IPNetwork command line and C# library take care of complex network, IP, IPv4, IPv6, netmask, CIDR, subnet, subnetting, supernet, and supernetting calculation for .NET developers. It works with IPv4 as well as IPv6, is written in C#, has a light and clean API, and is fully unit-tested
- 0
- 0
Binaries in nuget package are not signed
#331 opened by alonsoto - 1
Large to very small CIDR taking up too much memory
#315 opened by BV5Tl0N - 3
- 3
Assembly should not use BCL namespaces
#306 opened by alexangas - 2
TryParse of a CIDR string with a trailing space and subsequent characters and `sanitanize: false` returns true
#256 opened by enclave-alistair - 0
- 1
Assembly should be marked CLSCompliant
#284 opened by maettu-this - 1
IPNetwork.Parse(string, ParseOptions)
#252 opened by billpg - 2
Support for SymmetricDifference
#283 opened by ykhaled - 3
Could not load file or assembly
#279 opened by jeffpatton1971 - 3
- 7
[.NET 8.0] Conflict
#280 opened by cocoon - 1
RobiniaDocs API Explorer
#289 opened by NeuroXiq - 0
Please delete.
#262 opened by SamLowryMOI - 2
Feature Request - First and Last on IPNetwork
#106 opened by LaughingJohn - 5
Change log
#251 opened by DanAvni - 4
- 2
- 1
Performance considerations
#225 opened by maettu-this - 1
Fix: 100% code coverage
#197 opened by lduchosal - 0
CidrGuess considerations
#226 opened by maettu-this - 3
PR #214 breaks backward compatibility
#220 opened by the-ress - 1
Fix: comment on public methods
#196 opened by lduchosal - 6
- 2
Feature Request: ipnetwork.Inverse
#118 opened by rgreasley - 4
Equality behaviour
#207 opened by alexangas - 3
- 1
- 1
IPNetwork.Parse("") return network instead of
#200 opened by ajstadlin - 2
Publish of nuget pkg fails
#193 opened by ChiefWiggum - 1
Why ::ffff: FirstUsable is ::ffff: rather than ::ffff:
#170 opened by GF-Huang - 0
Return a list of IP Address given a start and end
#180 opened by Steve0212a - 10
Feature request: IPNetwork Subtract
#56 opened by HunterMitchell - 1
IP Range to CIDR notation
#162 opened by docfresh - 1
Any changelog/release notes of NuGet package?
#157 opened by GF-Huang - 2
Semantics of IPNetwork equality
#163 opened by dotneutron - 2
The Parse method parses an invalid IPv4 addresses.
#152 opened by tackme31 - 0
choco package for ipnetwork command line
#132 opened by lduchosal - 1
- 8
CIDR ranges /32 and /31 don't give correct count
#109 opened by BishoyDemian - 2
ListIpAddresses with usable filter does not exclude non-usable IPAddresses in Enumerator
#124 opened by JoostvdB94 - 3
Find next valid IP Address (IPv4 and IPv6)
#111 opened by ChrisLynchHPE - 2
CIDR list issue
#110 opened by alandoherty - 1
Failed to parse address
#96 opened by timdinh - 1
Example 9 is broken
#97 opened by BigPacket - 2
Update Web Site Examples
#90 opened by BigPacket - 2
Feature request: merge Ip ranges
#87 opened by imaculate - 1
FOSSA link
#83 opened by cameronelliott - 3