This is a personal SCAFFOLDING TOOL with webpack2
- git clone this project
- npm i
- init env: npm run env
- add a new project: npm run init
- webpack watch: npm run dev
- webpack build: npm run build
- all scss/less files must be included in js file
- multiple entries and auto inject js file into each html
- auto gzip and inject pics in js / css / html
- jpg in js file, eg: var imgUrl = require('../../../img/bg.jpg')
- jpg in css file, just set loader in webpack.config.js ---> url-loader
- pics in html, set loader in webpack.config.js ---> html-withimg-loader
- scaffold with template
- 1.npm run env: initial src enviroment, copy dir from ./template/env
- 2.npm run init: add a new project to src dir, copy dir from ./template/project
resolved issues: uft8 issue
- compile scss / less both
- plugins:
download node-sass fail
- plugins:
use templates
issues with webpack-dev-server
- when start webpack-dev-server, access url: ip:port/app/projectName/page/index.html
- inline / hot not work now, will look for other ways
- small server
- combine with gulp
- js async loading
- how to generate tree?
- src
- app
- projectA
- pageA
- A.html
- A.js
- A.scss
- pageB
- B.html
- B.js
- B.scss
- pageA
- projectB
- pageA
- A.html
- A.js
- A.less
- pageA
- projectA
- common
- js
- a.js
- less
- a.less
- scss
- a.scss
- js
- module
- moduleA
- A.js
- A.less
- moduleB
- B.js
- B.scss
- moduleA
- img
- a.jpg
- app
- dist
- html
- projectA
- pageA.html
- pageB.html
- projectA
- other
- chunks.js
- projectA
- pageA.js
- pageA.css
- pageB.js
- pageB.css
- img
- xxx.ico
- html