
Stamps an assembly with git data.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This is an add-in for Fody

Stamps an assembly with git data.

Nuget package

Available here http://nuget.org/packages/Stamp.Fody

To Install from the Nuget Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package Stamp.Fody

What it does

Extracts the git information from disk, combines it with the assembly version, and places it in the AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute.

So if your assembly version is, the working branch is "master" and the last commit is 759e9ddb53271dfa9335a3b27e452749a9b22280 then the following attribute will be added to the assembly.

[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion(" Head:'master' Sha:759e9ddb53271dfa9335a3b27e452749a9b22280")]

Templating the version

You can customize the string used in the AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute by adding some tokens to the string, which Stamp will replace.

For example, if you add [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("%version% Branch=%branch%")] then Stamp will change it to [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion(" Branch=master")]

The tokens are:

  • %version% is replaced with the version (
  • %version1% is replaced with the major version only (1)
  • %version2% is replaced with the major and minor version (1.0)
  • %version3% is replaced with the major, minor, and revision version (1.0.0)
  • %version4% is replaced with the major, minor, revision, and build version (
  • %githash% is replaced with the SHA1 hash of the branch tip of the repository
  • %shorthash% is replaced with the first eight characters of %githash%
  • %branch% is replaced with the branch name of the repository
  • %haschanges% is replaced with the string defined in the ChangeString attribute in the configuration, see below.

NOTE: if you already have an AssemblyInformationalVersion attribute and it doesn't use replacement tokens, it will not be modified at all.


All config options are attributes of Stamp in FodyWeavers.xml


Define the string used to indicate that the code was built from a non clean repository.

Default is HasChanges

<Fody ChangeString="New text" />


Define if you want to start Stamp to start searching for the Git repository in the ProjectDir (true) or the SolutionDir (false).

Default is false

<Fody UseProjectGit='true' />


Stamp designed by Rohith M S from The Noun Project