
FluentUI for PySide6 and QML

Primary LanguageQML

QML FluentUI

A fluent design component library for Qt QML, You need C++ FluentUI

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  • PySide6
  • PySide-FluentUI-QML

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(Work in progress...🚀)

📑 Documentations

(Work in progress...🚀)

Supported components

Catalog Detail Notes / Demos
FluApp The initial entry of the program Router supported(SPA)
FluWindow Frameless Window *This only works on windows
FluAppBar Title bar on top of the window Drag, minimize, maximize and close are supported.
FluText Common text
FluButton Common button btn
FluFilledButton Filled button filledbtn
FluTextButton Text button textbtn
FluToggleButton Toggle buttons togglebtn
FluIcon Common icon icons
FluRadioButton radio button radiobtn
FluTextBox Single-line input box textbox
FluMultiLineTextBox Multi-lines input area textarea
FluToggleSwitch toggle switch toggleswitch

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This FluentUI library currently licensed under MIT License

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