Postgres Prefill


This setup prefills a postgres database with CSV data.

How To Use

To load data into the postgres database:

  • Place CSV file into pgdata directory
  • In sql/create_tables.sql:
    • Modify the table definitions to fit your CSV data structure.
    • Add your CSV file name to the file path e.g. FROM /var/lib/postgresql/pgdata/{Your CSV file name here}

To start up the docker instance run

docker compose up --build

Description of 'create_tables.sql

  • BEGIN TRANSACTION denotes the beginning of a transaction / loop,

  • CREATE TABLE yellow_trips : creates a table into our database, here you define the columns and data types.

  • COPY <table_name> --: copy the table made

  • FROM '' --: file path for your matching csv file

  • DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER; --: comma seperated, headers kept

  • COMMIT; --: end of transaction / loop