Pre-Requirements: The following tools should be installed on your development machine:
An IDE (e.g. Visual Studio) that supports .NET 6.0+ development.
Node v12 or v14
Yarn v1.20+ (not v2) 1 or npm v6+ (already installed with Node)
1 Yarn v2 works differently and is not supported. ↩
Install the ABP CLI:
dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Cli
Right click to the .DbMigrator project and select Set as StartUp Project, Hit F5 (or Ctrl+F5) to run the application. It will have an output like shown below:
Before starting the application, run abp install-libs command in your Web directory to restore the client-side libraries. This will populate the libs folder. Ensure that the .Web project is the startup project. Run the application which will open the login page in your browser:
If you dont get it, you click this link below: