
An implementation of "Image Quilting and Texture Synthesis, Efros and Freeman", SIGGRAPH 2001

Primary LanguagePython

Patch-based Texture Synthesis and Transfer

Revised and improved version by Salas (leVirve@github)

An implementation of "Image Quilting and Texture Synthesis, Efros and Freeman", SIGGRAPH 2002 (published in 2001)

The output depends on two factors : PatchSize and OverlapWidth The running time depends on Sample Image dimensions, Desired Image dimensions, ThresholdConstant and PatchSize

Texture Sythesis

python PatchBasedSynthesis.py {source_image} {Patch_Size} {Overlap_Width} {Initial_Threshold_error}

for example

python PatchBasedSynthesis.py textures/corn.jpg 30 5 78.0

Texture Transfer

python PatchBasedTextureTransfer.py {texture_image} {source_image} {patch_size} {overlap_width} {init_threshold_scale}

for example

python PatchBasedTextureTransfer.py textures/rice.png src.jpg

Sample result

  • Transfer texture (textures/rice.png) onto source image (src.jpg)

    • Patch-based

    • Patch-based with overlap cost