
Cache and MultiIndexCache

Primary LanguageC#GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Get the nuget package

12/15/2022 - Migrate to .net 7, Add GetItems()

11/27/2021 - Migrate to .net 6

2/1/2021 - Migrate to .net 5

4/17/2018 - Beta release


Thread safe cache that allows object retrieval using multiple indexes.

public class Customer
    public int DatabaseID { get; set; }
    public string FederalEIN { get; set; }
    public string SalesForceID { get; set; }
    public string CompanyName { get; set; }

Create a multi index cache for customer objects defining DatabaseID and SalesForceID as indexes:

customerCache = new MultiIndexCache<Customer>(x => x.DatabaseID.ToString(), x => x.SalesForceID);

Add a customer to the cache:

Customer cust1 = new Customer { DatabaseID = 1, FederalEIN = "10", SalesForceID = "100", CompanyName = "ABC" };

Find a customer by index expression:

Customer result1 = customerCache.Get(x => x.DatabaseID.ToString() == "10");
Customer result2 = customerCache.Get(x => x.SalesFroceID == "100");

Find a customer by index key (faster):

// Search the first index (DatabaseID)
Customer result1 = customerCache.Get(0, "10");

// Search the second index (SalesForceID)
Customer result2 = customerCache.Get(1, "100");

Remove a customer object from the cache:

// or

Note: Properties used as keys for MultiIndexCache must be treated as immutable.


Thread safe cache backed by ConcurrentDictionary.

Supports the following eviction strategies:

  • Time since add - evicts based on time elapsed since object was added to cache.
  • Time since get - evicts based on time elapsed since object was last accessed.

Supports global enabling/disabling via CacheManager master switch:

Cache<Product> productCache = new Cache<Product>();
Cache<Customer> customerCache = new Cache<Customer>();

// disable only productCache:
productCache.IsEnabled = false;    

// disable all caches:
CacheManager.EnableCaching = false;

Create a cache for customer objects:

Cache<Customer> customerCache = new Cache<Customer>();

Add a customer to the cache:

Customer cust1 = new Customer { DatabaseID = 1, FederalEIN = "10", SalesForceID = "100", CompanyName = "ABC" };
customerCache.Set(cust1.DatabaseID.ToString(), cust1);

Seed the cache with a collection:

IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, Customer>> customers = db.Customers.Select( x => new KeyValuePair<string, Customer>(x.ID.ToString(), x));

Get an object from the cache:

Customer customer = customerCache.Get("5");

Remove an object from the cache:


Remove all objects from the cache:


Manually invoke selected eviction strategy, if any:
