A taxi booking app with two parts, the driver and the rider part. The rider needs to request a ride and wait for the driver to start the trip if the request is accepted. This app is written in js(ES6) with the react-native framework and firebase as our BAAS(replaced with ExpressJs). You need to download the project and run npm install to install dependencies in your local machine and then you can run with the expo.
- a-m-n-lab
- ahmedomarjee@ZaiLab
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- emiliano249Emiliano Esteban
- emirhanselametLenax Tech
- emmacibembeUganda/ Kampala
- faizan91Decklaration Design Studios
- georgechitechi@flightsadmin
- IamEGPZysurq Technologies
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- MichaelAdame
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