
A collection of useful scripts to use with CODA

Primary LanguageShell


A collection scripts for use with small scale DAQs running CODA 3

Install and Configuration

  • Setup host ssh key for automated login to CODA component clients.

  • Install scripts on CODA 3 Platform host, ROC and PEB clients.

    • With git

      git clone git@github.com:JeffersonLab/coda_scripts.git ~/coda3/coda_scripts-master
    • From zip

      unzip coda_scripts-master.zip ~/coda3/
    • If you're not sharing this directory with the CODA Components (e.g. with NFS), repeat this step for each component.

  • Configure environment variables in setupCODA3.tcsh or setupCODA3.bash

    • These environment variables are specific to your setup.

      setenv CODA /site/coda/3.10
      source $CODA/.setup
      setenv SESSION session
      setenv EXPID expid
      setenv COOL_HOME ${HOME}/coda3/cool
      setenv JAVA_HOME ${HOME}/jdk1.8.0_152
      setenv REMEX_CMSG_HOST thishost.jlab.org
      setenv CODA_COMPONENT_TABLE ${CODA_CONFIG}/config/${EXPID}/coda_component_table.cfg
  • Source the setupCODA3.{tcsh,bash} in shell setup file for each DAQ component

    • In .bashrc

      export CODA_CONFIG=~/coda3/coda_scripts-master
      source $CODA_CONFIG/setupCODA3.bash
    • In .tcshrc

      setenv CODA_CONFIG=~/coda3/coda_scripts-master
      source $CODA_CONFIG/setupCODA3.tcsh
    • Modify the config file adding each DAQ component on the host

      • The file defined by $CODA_COMPONENT_TABLE specifies the components that will interact with these scripts

      • File format:


      • For example, I have a PEB named PEB1 running on daqpc1:

        daqpc1 PEB PEB1

      • For example, I have a ROC named ROC2 running on daqroc2 and needs to run a tcl script to set it's randy factor on startup:

        daqroc2 ROC ROC2 -t setrf.tcl

Howto Use

  • If you have an empty COOL_HOME (otherwise, skip this step)

    • Run jcedit
    • Create new COOL database
    • Expert -> Session -> New
      • Enter SESSION name (matches that defined in environment)
  • Launch CODA3 and its components

  • Restart ONLY the PEB and ROC components

  • Kill ALL CODA components started by startCoda
