Lead Supply - Recruitment task for WordPress developer

Your job is to build a WordPress plugin to add, edit, delete and show employees based on the provided project files in the _files folder.

Make a fork and proceed to make changes. Remember to commit after each stage to clearly show all changes. When you finish, please send us an address to your repository.


  1. An employee should be fully editable from the edit page in the admin panel
  2. Editing should be as friendly as possible (it should not require user to directly apply HTML/CSS etc.)
  3. Adding an overview of employees to any page should be easy and possible to do from the editor
  4. Do not use any external CSS libraries/frameworks
  5. Do not use any external plugins (all functionalities should be done using PHP and internal WordPress functions)
  6. Responsiveness is not required


  • This boilerplate has a basic building script for a SASS preprocessor. It can be run with a npm run build command
  • This recruitment task does not require to write any JavaScript code