
bitcoin ticker practice app

Primary LanguageDart

Bitcoin Ticker 🤑

Practice app challenge on Udemy

  • Skills
    • Flutter
    • Dart


The objective of this tutorial is to learn about using Cupertino and Material Widgets in parallel and providing a different user interface depending on the platform.

What you will create

We’re going to make a crypto currency price checking app. By the end of the module, you'll be able to monitor your bitcoin investents on the move!

What you will learn

  • How to use the DropdownButton Widget from Material design.
  • How to loop through code using Dart for and for-in loops.
  • How to use Cupertino Widgets in your app.
  • How to check the platform your app is being run on to customise the UI for that platform.
  • Revise previous concepts by completing the challenges.