
A simple context-based vim completion plugin.

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple context-based vim completion plugin. It wil try to return the most possible word based on current context. Choosing a word from the menu should be avoided.



In INSERT mode, press tab to complete the word. Press c-u to undo the completion.


  • Use VundleVim:

      Plugin 'leafOfTree/vim-imagine'
  • Or manually, clone this plugin, drop it in custom path/to/this_plugin, and add it to rtp in vimrc

      set rpt+=path/to/this_plugin

How it works

It tries these methods in order to find out the completion word.

Literial tab

It will return literial tab if there are blanks or the start of line before the cursor.

Custom snippets

It will return the snippet if the characters before the cursor match the key in the dictionary defined by snippets file.

Extensible fuzzy search

It returns the first match that fuzzy methods find in current file. The order can be changed by g:vim_imagine_fuzzy_chain except the favoured method.

The longest is used if there are more than one matched words.

The fuuzy search will try lines near current line first, then all the lines. See fuzzy_near.

Builtin methods

  • favoured(Always try it at first)

    If g:vim_imagine_fuzzy_favoured_words is ['myLongName', 'anotherLongName'],

      mln -> myLongName
  • hyphen

      adg -> abc-def-ghi
  • capital

      adg -> abcDefGhi
  • dot

      adg -> abc.def.ghi

    Note: context words won't be split by . in this method

  • underscore

      adg -> abc_def_ghi
  • include

      xyz -> 000x111y222z

Custom methods

All methods defined in g:vim_imagine_fuzzy_custom_methods are used in fuzzy completion. See the example.


It will return emmet-vim's result if it's installed when there is only one character before the cursor or b:vim_imagine_use_emmet is 1.


It will return supertab's result if it's installed. It's worth nothing that tab can't be used to move in popup menu, but up, down, enter still work.




  • description: the path of the snippets file under the runtimepath. See the example snippets
  • type: string.
  • default: 'plugin/imagine_snippets.vim'.

It's recommended to put it under .vim or vimfiles. It's a normal vimscript file. The only requirement is that these dictionary variables g:vim_imagine_dict, g:vim_imagine_dict_1, g:vim_imagine_dict_2 are defined as expected. If the path is not readable, the example snippets will be used.

Snippets file format

For dictionary variable g:vim_imagine_dict, g:vim_imagine_dict_1, g:vim_imagine_dict_2, the key is the chars before the cursor, and the value is the snippet string.

Special characters like \r, \t, \e are supported in double quoted string(see :h string). Normal mode commands can be executed after \e.

| can be used to mark cursor location.


  • description: the order of methods that fuzzy search uses.

  • type: list.

  • default:

    let g:vim_imagine_fuzzy_chain = [


  • description: the top and bottom offset to current line which defines the lines to search first. Both of offsets are positive value.

  • type: list.

  • default:

    let g:vim_imagine_fuzzy_near = [5, 0]


  • description: the order of methods that fuzzy near search uses.

  • type: list.

  • default:

    let g:vim_imagine_fuzzy_chain = [


  • description: defines custom methods that fuzzy search uses.

  • type: dictionary.

    • members: chars => regexp. The chars is the characters before the cursor and the regexp is used to match words in current file. The member name can be used in g:vim_imagine_fuzzy_chain.

    • members end with _splits: splits => modified splits. Modify splits which determines how words is generated from current file. Default is a comma-separated string(comma and space will always be added).

  • default: {}

  • example:

    let g:vim_imagine_fuzzy_custom_methods = {}
    function! g:vim_imagine_fuzzy_custom_methods.same_first(chars)
      let case_flag = ''
      if a:chars =~ '\v\C[A-Z]'
        let case_flag = '\C'
      let regexp = join(split(a:chars, '\zs'), '.*')
      let regexp = escape(regexp, '()@$')
      let regexp = '\v'.case_flag.'^(\@|\$)?'.regexp.'.*>'
      return regexp
    let g:vim_imagine_fuzzy_chain = [


  • description: The words to check firstly when fuzzy search starts. The list can be changed while editing files by leader a in NORMAL mode.
  • type: list.
  • default: []


  • description: Enable emmet method at first. It can be togggled by c-f.

  • type: int (0 or 1)

  • default: 0

  • example:

    autocmd FileType html,pug,xml,css,less let b:vim_imagine_use_emmet = 1



  • tab: complete the chars before the cursor.

  • c-u: undo the completion.

    let g:vim_imagine_mapping_undo_completion = '<c-u>'
  • c-f: toggle emmet.

    let g:vim_imagine_mapping_toggle_emmet = '<c-f>'


  • leader a: add the word under the cursor to favoured words .

    let g:vim_imagine_mapping_add_favoured_word = '<leader>a'