
A vim plugin to manage projects and sessions

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A vim plugin to manage projects and sessions.


  • Switch between projects


  • Search files by name

  • Find in files

  • Find and replace

  • Run tasks

  • Search git log and file history

  • Config

  • Session (optional)

    You can save session per branch if both vim feature job and shell command tail are present.

Add / Open a project

screenshot ➡️ screenshot ➡️ screenshot

Search files / Find in files / Find and replace in a project

screenshot screenshot screenshot

Basic Usage

  • :Project <path>
  • :ProjectNew <path>
  • :ProjectList
  • :ProjectSearchFiles
  • :ProjectFindInFiles
  • :ProjectRun
  • :ProjectGitLog
  • :ProjectFileHistory

In a list, filter by typing. Select an item by c-j, c-k or the arrow keys. Then press Enter to open it.

See Config and Keymappings for details.


It's recommended to install fd and one of rg or ag to improve search performance.

You can install this plugin just like others.

How to install
  • VundleVim

      Plugin 'leafOfTree/vim-project'
  • vim-pathogen

      cd ~/.vim/bundle
      git clone https://github.com/leafOfTree/vim-project --depth 1
  • vim-plug

      Plug 'leafOfTree/vim-project'
  • Or manually, clone this plugin to path/to/this_plugin, and add it to rtp in vimrc

      set rtp+=path/to/this_plugin

Show file icon

To enable file icon in front of file name, you need to install



You need to remove this plugin as well as config_home (default: ~/.vim/vim-project-config).


  • Add :Project <path> | :ProjectNew <path>

  • Open :ProjectList | :ProjectOpen <name>

  • Quit :ProjectQuit | Open another project | Quit vim

  • Remove :ProjectRemove <name>


Command Description
Project <path> Add existing project, then open it
ProjectNew <path> Create new project by running predefined tasks
ProjectList Show all projects
ProjectSearchFiles Search files by name
ProjectFindInFiles Find given string/regexp (at least 2 chars) in files
ProjectRun Run a task defined by tasks config
ProjectGitLog Show git log
ProjectGitFileHistory Show file history
ProjectGitBranch Show all git branches
ProjectGitTag Show all git tags
ProjectRoot Open project root
ProjectConfig Open project config init.vim (effective after save)
ProjectAllConfig Open all projects config project.add.vim
ProjectInfo Show project brief info
ProjectAllInfo Show project all info
ProjectOpen <name> Open a project by name
ProjectRemove <name> Remove a project by name
ProjectRename <name> <new_name> Rename a project of name to new_name. Its folder's name is renamed, too
ProjectQuit Quit project
ProjectIgnore <path> Ignore project for auto detection

You can try adjusting wildmenu, wildmode for enhanced command-line completion

:Project <path>

path: If path is relative or a project name , it'll search with both current working directory and g:vim_project_config.project_base as path base . In addition, you can use Tab to auto complete the path.

Relative means path doesn't start with /, ~ or C:/.

Optional: you can add "note" which will be shown on project list by :Project <path> "note for project".


Project /path/to/demo
Project /path/to/demo "This is a demo"

" Current working directory (:pwd) is /path/to
Project demo
Project ../to

" g:vim_project_config.project_base is set to ['/path/to']
Project demo

:ProjectNew <path>

  • path can be a relative path or a name. you can use Tab to auto complete.

  • If path is a git url, the command will use git clone <url> to create a new project.

  • path is based on new_project_base or current working directory, unless path is absolute.

new_tasks defines tasks to create new project.

  • name: task name
  • cmd: command to run
  • args: optional, the value is from what user types and will be appended to cmd

By default, the config is

        \'new_tasks': [
          \{ 'name': 'git', 'cmd': 'git clone', 'args': 'url' },
          \{ 'name': 'empty', 'cmd': 'mkdir' },
        \`new_project_base`: ''

new_tasks_post_cmd defines the command to run after project is created. By default, it's empty ''.


let g:vim_project_config = {
      \'new_tasks': [
        \ { 'name': 'mdbook', 'cmd': 'mdbook init' },
        \ { 'name': 'vite', 'cmd': 'npm create vite@latest' },
        \ { 'name': 'create react app', 'cmd': 'npx create-react-app' },
        \ { 'name': 'spring', 'cmd': 'spring init' },
        \ { 'name': 'degit', 'cmd': 'degit', 'args': 'url' },
        \ { 'name': 'git', 'cmd': 'git clone', 'args': 'url' },
        \ { 'name': 'empty directory', 'cmd': 'mkdir' },
      \'new_tasks_post_cmd': 'touch README.md && git init && git add . && git commit -m "Init"',
      \`new_project_base`: '/path/to/projects',

new_tasks_post_cmd can also be a Function reference (Funcref). Its arguments are the project name (string), the task (dict), and the actual cmd (string).

function! NewTasksPostCmd(name, task, cmd)
  if a:task.name == 'git'

  return 'touch README.md && git init && git add . && git commit -m "Init"'
    \.'git remote add origin https://github.com/username/'.a:name

      \'new_tasks_post_cmd': function('NewTasksPostCmd'),

Search files / Find in files

  • :ProjectSearchFiles Under the hood, it tries [fd, find, glob (vim function)] for the first available one as the search engine.

  • :ProjectFindInFiles Under the hood, it tries [rg, ag, grep, vimgrep (vim function)] for the first available one as the search engine.

It's recommended to install one of [fd, find] and one of [rg, ag, grep]. They have better performance especially for Windows users and large projects. However, none of them will respect .gitignore serving as a search engine for consistency.

To enable :ProjectFindInFiles on both normal and visually selected word, use noremap as follows

noremap <silent> <c-f> :ProjectFindInFiles<cr>

Config for search / find

For consistency, the behaviors are controlled as below no matter which engine is used.

Both Search files and Find in files

  • Include & Exclude

    Check the following options in the config.

    • include
    • exclude

    The following are specific options to extend the above. The final result is like include (global + local) + search_include (global + local).

    • search_include
    • find_in_files_include
    • search_exclude
    • find_in_files_exclude

Find in files

  • Match case

    Prefix your input with \C. By default, it's case insensitive.

  • Regexp

    Prefix your input with \E. By default, it's treated as a literal/fixed string.

Find and replace ⚠️

Please note this feature is not fully tested. It may cause unexpected changes to your files. Always remember to commit your changes before running it. Feel free to open an issue if anything goes wrong.

When Find in files, you can press

  • c-r to start to replace
  • Enter or c-y to confirm
  • c-d to dismiss any item on the list

Run tasks

:ProjectRun run a task defined by tasks. A task contains

  • name: task name
  • cmd: command to run in terminal through shell
  • args: optional, the value is from what user types and will be appended to cmd
  • cd: optional, change directory to current project relatively
  • show, hide: optional, both are a list of patterns to fiter task output

For example, with below local config

let g:vim_project_local_config = {
    \'tasks': [
        \'name': 'npm',
        \'cmd' : 'npm run',
        \'args': 'script name',
        \'cd'  : 'webapp',
        \'name': 'build', 
        \'cmd': 'npm build'
        \'show': ['tests run.*in', '^\s\+'],
        \'hide': ['info'],
        \'name': 'terminal', 
        \'cmd': ''

Run, Rerun, Stop: You can press

  • Enter to run/rerun the task
  • c-q to stop the task and remove its output.
  • c-o to open the corresponding terminal buffer

Vim terminal: If you set cmd to empty string '', it'll call :terminal to open a new Vim terminal window.

Git Integration

  • :ProjectGitLog: Show git log
  • :ProjectGitFileHistory: Show history of current opened file. Works on visually selected lines.
  • :ProjectGitBranch: Show branches
  • :ProjectGitTag: Show tags

Git status and changelist management

  • :ProjectGitStatus: Show local changes. You can create changelist to organize your local changes. Support basic operations like commit, rollback, push, and pull.

Below are git related key mappings for the corresponding diff, changes, and local changes buffer.

let g:vim_project_config.git_diff_mappings = {
      \'jump_to_source': "\<cr>",
let g:vim_project_config.git_changes_mappings = {
      \'open_file': "\<cr>",
let g:vim_project_config.git_local_changes_mappings = {
      \'commit': 'c',
      \'rollback_file': 'R',
      \'open_changelist_or_file': "\<cr>",
      \'new_changelist': 'a',
      \'move_to_changelist': 'm',
      \'rename_changelist': 'r',
      \'delete_changelist': 'd',
      \'pull': 'u',
      \'push': 'p',
      \'pull_and_push': 'P',

Config and Keymappings

The config consists of following two parts

  • g:vim_project_config (global, in .vimrc)
  • g:vim_project_local_config (project local, in project's init.vim)

The g:vim_project_config should be set in .vimrc. Its default value is below. You can copy it as a starting point.

let g:vim_project_config = {
      \'config_home':                   '~/.vim/vim-project-config',
      \'project_base':                  ['~'],
      \'use_session':                   0,
      \'open_root_when_use_session':    0,
      \'check_branch_when_use_session': 0,
      \'project_root':                  './',
      \'auto_load_on_start':            0,
      \'include':                       ['./'],
      \'exclude':                       ['.git', 'node_modules', '.DS_Store', '.github', '.next'],
      \'search_include':                [],
      \'find_in_files_include':         [],
      \'search_exclude':                [],
      \'find_in_files_exclude':         [],
      \'auto_detect':                   'no',
      \'auto_detect_file':              ['.git', '.svn'],
      \'ask_create_directory':          'no',
      \'project_views':                 [],
      \'file_mappings':                 {},
      \'tasks':                         [],
      \'new_tasks':                     [
        \{ 'name': 'git', 'cmd': 'git clone', 'args': 'url' },
        \{ 'name': 'empty', 'cmd': 'mkdir' },
      \'new_project_base':              '',
      \'new_tasks_post_cmd':            '',
      \'commit_message':                '',
      \'debug':                         0,

" Keymappings for list prompt
let g:vim_project_config.list_mappings = {
      \'open':                 "\<cr>",
      \'close_list':           "\<esc>",
      \'clear_char':           ["\<bs>", "\<c-a>"],
      \'clear_word':           "\<c-w>",
      \'clear_all':            "\<c-u>",
      \'prev_item':            ["\<c-k>", "\<up>"],
      \'next_item':            ["\<c-j>", "\<down>"],
      \'first_item':           ["\<c-h>", "\<left>"],
      \'last_item':            ["\<c-l>", "\<right>"],
      \'scroll_up':            "\<c-p>",
      \'scroll_down':          "\<c-n>",
      \'paste':                "\<c-b>",
      \'switch_to_list':       "\<c-o>",
let g:vim_project_config.list_mappings_projects = {
      \'prev_view':            "\<s-tab>",
      \'next_view':            "\<tab>",
let g:vim_project_config.list_mappings_search_files = {
      \'open_split':           "\<c-s>",
      \'open_vsplit':          "\<c-v>",
      \'open_tabedit':         "\<c-t>",
let g:vim_project_config.list_mappings_find_in_files = {
      \'open_split':           "\<c-s>",
      \'open_vsplit':          "\<c-v>",
      \'open_tabedit':         "\<c-t>",
      \'replace_prompt':       "\<c-r>",
      \'replace_dismiss_item': "\<c-d>",
      \'replace_confirm':      "\<cr>",
let g:vim_project_config.list_mappings_run_tasks = {
      \'run_task':              "\<cr>",
      \'stop_task':             "\<c-q>",
      \'open_task_terminal':    "\<c-o>",

" Checkout revision on git log and file history list.
" You can go back to branch head by :ProjectGitBranch
let g:vim_project_config.list_mappings_git = {
      \'checkout_revision':     "\<c-o>",

let g:vim_project_config.list_mappings_git_branch = {
      \'merge_branch':     "\<c-o>",
Option Description
config_home The directory for all config files
project_base A list of base directories used for path in :Project path
use_session Use session
open_root_when_use_session When session used, always open project root at the beginning
check_branch_when_use_session When session used, keep one for each branch
project_root Starting directory or file when fist launching project
auto_detect Auto detect projects when opening a file.
Choose 'always', 'ask', or 'no'
auto_detect_file File used to detect potential projects
auto_load_on_start Auto load a project if Vim starts within its directory
ask_create_directory Ask if need to create directory when :Project <name> doesn't find it
list_mappings Keymappings for list prompt
include Including folders
exclude Excluding folders/files
search_include Including folders for search files
find_in_files_include Including folders for find in files
search_exclude Excluding folders/files for search files
find_in_files_exclude Excluding folders/files for find in files
file_mappings Keymappings to switch between files quickly
tasks tasks to run using vim 'terminal' feature
project_views Define project views by [[show-pattern, hide-pattern?], ...]
commit_message Default commit message. Can be string or Function reference.
debug Show debug messages

Config files

The config files are located at ~/.vim/vim-project-config/, where ~/.vim/vim-project-config/<project-name>/ is for each project.

:ProjectAllConfig and :ProjectConfig will open corresponding config files.

     | project.add.vim            " Added projects
     | project.igonre.vim         " Ignored projects
     | <project-name>/
         | init.vim
         | quit.vim
         | sessions/              " session for each branch
             | master.vim
             | dev.vim


  • Load session
  • Source project's init.vim


  • Save session
  • Source project's quit.vim

init.vim will get reloaded once you change and save it.

Project local config

These options, list or dict types are extended, others overridden, via g:vim_project_local_config in the project's init.vim. E.g.

let g:vim_project_local_config = {
  \'include': ['./'],
  \'exclude': ['.git', 'node_modules', '.DS_Store', '.github', '.next'],
  \'project_root': './',
  \'use_session': 0,
  \'open_root_when_use_session': 0,
  \'check_branch_when_use_session': 0,

For the project local file_mappings, see below.

Switch between files

You can define mappings to frequently changed files in the project's init.vim.

For example as below, you can

  • Switch to file autoload/project.vim by 'a and so on
  • Switch between files ['autoload/project.vim', 'plugin/project.vim'] by 'l
  • Switch between file types such as *.html and *.css at the same path with 't
  • Switch to file returned by user-defined function with 'c
  • Switch to file returned by :h lambda expression with 'd
function! StyleInUpperDir()
  let upper_dir = expand('%:p:h:h')
  let name = expand('%:r')
  return upper_dir.'/'.name.'.css'

let g:vim_project_local_config.file_mappings = {
    \'r': 'README.md',
    \'a': 'autoload/project.vim', 
    \'p': 'plugin/project.vim', 
    \'l': ['autoload/project.vim', 'plugin/project.vim'],
    \'t': ['html', 'css'],
    \'c': function('StyleInUpperDir'),
    \'i': {-> $vim_project_config.'/init.vim'},
    \'d': {-> expand('%:p:h:h').'/'.expand('%:r').'.css'},

With file_open_types, you can use 'a, 'va, 'sa, 'ta' to edit file in different ways

let g:vim_project_config.file_open_types = {
      \'':  'edit',
      \'v': 'vsplit',
      \'s': 'split',
      \'t': 'tabedit',

Session options

See :h sessionoptions.

Project views

In project list, you can switch between different views with tab and s-tab. You can set project_views to [[show_pattern, hide_patten?], ...] like

let g:vim_project_config.project_views = [
      \['vim', 'plugin'],
      \['.*', 'archived']

Global variables

  • g:vim_project dict: current project info
  • $vim_project string: current project path
  • $vim_project_config string: current project config path


You can get current project info from g:vim_project. Try echo g:vim_project after opening a project.

For example, define a function called GetProjectInfo and add %{GetProjectInfo()} to statusline to show current project name and branch.

function! GetProjectInfo()
  if exists('g:vim_project') && !empty(g:vim_project)
     let name = g:vim_project.name
     let branch = g:vim_project.branch
     if empty(branch)
       return '['.name.']'
       return '['.name.', '.branch.']'
     return ''

set statusline=%<%t%m\ %y\ %=%{GetProjectInfo()}


Or you can show project info on window title

set title titlestring=%{GetTitle()}

function! GetTitle()
  if exists('g:vim_project') && !empty(g:vim_project)
    return g:vim_project.name.' - '.expand('%')
    return expand('%:p').' - '.expand('%')


If something goes wrong, you can try

  • :ProjectInfo
  • :ProjectAllInfo
  • :echo g:vim_project
  • :let g:vim_project_config.debug = 1


Thanks to timsofteng for the great idea. It all started with that.