
Bee-themed DOS(Box) Game for Not Going to GDC Jam 2018

Primary LanguageC

Bee Yourself


You are the queen of a bee hive and have to guide it through the year. On the main screen you can watch your bees swarm around, gathering honey, while the seasons go by. (~10 minutes per season a.t.m.)

Pressing space brings you into the management console. Here you can assign your bees to jobs, plan construction and hive growth. There are currently two jobs for your bees: gatherer and worker. Gatherers swarm out to collect the honey that feeds your hive. Workers stay at home to care for the new brood and build cells. Performing these tasks require a bit of extra honey.

Available commands are

  • stat - hive info
  • draft gather/work/none - new bees start as gatherer/worker/unassigned
  • make gather/work - assign available bees to jobs (negative numbers to unassign)
  • grow rate - set the grow rate of the hive (new bees per game tick)
  • plan cells - increase/decrease target number of honey storage cells to build

Occasionally, random events may challenge your hive.

Can you make it through the winter? (I really don't know, the game isn't balanced yet. So you can be the first to beat this game.)

How to run

This game is comes in the form of a DOS executable. But if you don't have a DOS installation at hand (don't think anyone has), you can simply run it through the DOSBox emulator.