======================== Matthew's Flask Skeleton ======================== This is a simple skeleton for Flask applications. It assumes that you want to use Flask with Flask-Script. The application layout that it sets up is fairly bare-bones, and doesn't include any databases, forms, or other fun stuff by default. It does, however, provide tooling for ep.io, in the form of an example `epio.ini` and a launcher called `epio_launcher.py`. To get started, just: 1. Copy this somewhere. 2. Rename `myapp` to the package name of your app. 3. Change the package references in `manage.py` (also `epio.ini`). 4. Edit the README and LICENSE files as appropriate. 5. Add any extensions or packages you want to use to `requirements.txt`. 6. Run `sh bootstrap.sh` to set up your virtual environment. 7. Hack away!