
Lecture notes and materials from my Additive Manufacturing course

Primary LanguageG-code

Additive Manufacturing

The following are lecture notes and lab materials from my Additive Manufacturing course taught by Professor Anna Thornton at Boston University (ME 557).* This is from the Fall 2020 semester.

The following are GCode files used for FDM projects:

  • Overhang Angles Test
  • Organic Shape: Sprouting Nut
  • Topologically Optimized Hanger
  • Lattice Elephant Toy
    • Solid - with supports for overhang angle > 70 degrees
    • Voronoi surface lattice (file size is large, will have on repo when condensed, or available upon request)
    • Voronoi surface lattice with solid legs, tail, trunk, and ears (file size is large, will have on repo when condensed, or available upon request)
    • Voronoi surface lattice & cubic volume lattice with solid legs, tail, trunk, and ears (file size is large, will have on repo when condensed, or available upon request)
    • Voronoi surface lattice & voronoi volume lattice with solid legs, tail, trunk, and ears (file size is large, will have on repo when condensed, or available upon request)
  • Identification of Optimal Print Parameters at Varying Print Speeds Coming soon
  • Make Something that Makes Sound! Coming soon

* Lecture slides are not included as those are private to the class, but these notes encompass items learned from lecture, lab, and the various readings completed. In addition, most images are not my own; these were included to help visually aid my understanding of the material.