
Example MATLAB scripts and notes for students in BU's ENG EK 125 course that I'm a teaching assistant for. These focus on vectors & matrices, selection statements, loops, text manipulation, basic functions, advanced functions, data structures, and an intro to data science & ML/AI.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

MATLAB References

This repository includes example MATLAB scripts and notes for students in BU's ENG EK 125 course that I'm a teaching assistant for. These focus on vectors & matrices, selection statements, loops, text manipulation, basic functions, advanced functions, data structures, and an intro to data science & ML/AI.

The MATLAB scripts in this repo cover the following topics:

  • Intro_array_operations.m - introduction to vector and matrix operations
  • plotting_examples.m - introduction to plotting in MATLAB (includes simple plots and subplot examples)
  • pitch_n_switch.m - example of a switch statement to classify different baseball pitches
  • draw_rectangle.m - example of while and nested for loops to draw a rectangle
  • func_deriv_4xfourth.m - advanced function example with variable number of output arguments
  • sandlot.m - example script of creating a struct (batting order) and then writing the roster to a text file
  • print_sum_vec.m - example function with use of a persistent variable (note that to clear a persistent variable, must type 'clear all')
  • ex_mod_prog_baseball.m - example of modular programming in which a script calls local functions to prompt user input and plot offensive baseball stats
    • prog_with_stubs.m - this is an example of the same above modular program but with function stubs

The PDF notes in this repo:

Resources for Students in my Spring 2021 Discussion Section

Resources for Students in my Fall 2020 Discussion Sections