
Scripts and other open-source tools to be used with the LANforge software suite.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

LANforge Perl, Python, and Shell Scripts

This is a collection of scripts and scripting libraries designed to work with LANforge systems. On your LANforge system, these scripts are typically installed into /home/lanforge/scripts. The LANforge/ sub directory holds the perl modules (.pm files) that are common to the perl scripts.

The LANforge CLI Users Guide is a good place to start for understanding scripts

LANforge on system cli help and cli command composer

The LANforge has an on system help / system query, when on LANforge browse to http://local_host:8080

The LANforge has an on system cli help and cli command composer http://local_host:8080/help

Commonly Used

The lf_*.pl scripts are typically more complete and general purpose scripts, though some are ancient and very specific. In particular, these scripts are more modern and may be a good place to start:

Name Purpose
lf_associate_ap.pl LANforge server script for associating virtual stations to an arbitrary SSID
lf_attenmod.pl Query and update CT70X programmable attenuators
lf_firemod.pl Query and update connections (Layer 3)
lf_icemod.pl Query and update WAN links and impairments
lf_portmod.pl Query and update physical and virtual ports
lf_tos_test.py Generate traffic at different QoS and report in spreadsheet
lf_sniff.py Create packet capture files, especially OFDMA /AX captures

The lf_wifi_rest_example.pl script shows how one might call the other scripts from within a script.

Examples and Documents

Read more examples in the scripting LANforge cookbook.

Python Scripts

When starting to use Python, please run the update_dependencies.py script located in py-scripts to install all necessary dependencies for this library.

Python Scripts py-json/LANforge

Core communication files to LANforge

Name Purpose
add_dut.py defined list of DUT keys, cli equivalent: https://www.candelatech.com/lfcli_ug.php#add_dut
add_file_endp.py Add a File endpoint to the LANforge Manager. cli equivalent: add_file_endp https://www.candelatech.com/lfcli_ug.php#add_file_endp
add_l4_endp.py Add a Layer 4-7 (HTTP, FTP, TELNET, ..) endpoint to the LANforge Manager. cli equivalent: add_l4_endp https://www.candelatech.com/lfcli_ug.php#add_l4_endp
add_monitor.py Add a WIFI Monitor interface. These are useful for doing low-level wifi packet capturing. cli equivalent: add_monitor https://www.candelatech.com/lfcli_ug.php#add_monitor
add_sta.py Add a WIFI Virtual Station (Virtual STA) interface. cli equivalent: add_sta https://www.candelatech.com/lfcli_ug.php#add_sta
add_vap.py Add a WIFI Virtual Access Point (VAP) interface. cli equivalent: add_vap https://www.candelatech.com/lfcli_ug.php#add_vap
set_port.py This command allows you to modify attributes on an Ethernet port. cli equivalent: set_port https://www.candelatech.com/lfcli_ug.php#set_port
lfcli_base.py json communication to LANforge
LFRequest.py Class holds default settings for json requests to LANforge, see: https://gist.github.com/aleiphoenix/4159510
LFUtils.py Defines useful common methods
set_port.py This command allows you to modify attributes on an Ethernet port. These options includes the IP address, netmask, gateway address, MAC, MTU, and TX Queue Length. cli equivalent: set_port https://www.candelatech.com/lfcli_ug.php#set_port

Python Scripts py-json/

Name Purpose
base_profile.py Class: BaseProfile Use example: py-json/l3_cxprofile2.py used to define generic utility methods to be inherited by other classes
create_wanlink.py Create and modify WAN Links Using LANforge JSON AP : http://www.candelatech.com/cookbook.php?vol=cli&book=JSON:+Managing+WANlinks+using+JSON+and+Python
cv_commands.py This is a library file used to create a chamber view scenario. import this file as showed in create_chamberview.py to create a scenario
cv_test_manager.py This script is working as library for chamberview tests. It holds different commands to automate test.
cv_test_reports.py Class: lanforge_reports Pulls reports from LANforge
dataplane_test_profile.py Library to Run Dataplane Test: Using lf_cv_base class
dut_profile.py Class: DUTProfile (new_dut_profile) Use example: py-scripts/update_dut.py used to updates a Device Under Test (DUT) entry in the LANforge test scenario A common reason to use this would be to update MAC addresses in a DUT when you switch between different items of the same make/model of a DUT
fio_endp_profile.py Class: FIOEndpProfile (new_fio_endp_profile) Use example: py-scripts/test_fileio.py will create stations or macvlans with matching fileio endpoints to generate and verify fileio related traffic
gen_cxprofile.py Class: GenCXProfile (new_generic_endp_profile) Use example: test_generic.py will create stations and endpoints to generate traffic based on a command-line specified command type
http_profile.py Class: HTTPProfile (new_http_profile) Use example: test_ipv4_l4_wifi.py will create stations and endpoints to generate and verify layer-4 upload traffic
l3_cxprofile.py Class: L3CXProfile (new_l3_cx_profile) Use example: test_ipv4_variable_time.py will create stations and endpoints to generate and verify layer-3 traffic
l3_cxprofile2.py Class: L3CXProfile2 (new_l3_cx_profile, ver=2) No current use example, inherits utility functions from BaseProfile, maintains functionality of L3CXProfile
l4_cxprofile.py Class: L4CXProfile (new_l4_cx_profile) Use example: test_ipv4_l4.py will create stations and endpoints to generate and verify layer-4 traffic
lf_cv_base.py Class: ChamberViewBase, Base Class to be used for Chamber View Tests, inherited by DataPlaneTest in dataplane_test_profile.py
lfdata.py Class: LFDataCollection, class used for data collection utility methods
mac_vlan_profile.py Class: MACVLANProfile (new_mvlan_profile) Use example: test_fileio.py will create stations or macvlans with matching fileio endpoints to generate and verify fileio related traffic.
multicast_profile.py Class: MULTICASTProfile (new_multicast_profile) Use example: test_l3_longevity.py multi cast profiles are created in this test
port_utils.py Class: PortUtils used to set the ftp or http port
qvlan_profile.py Class: QVLANProfile (new_qvlan_profile) Use example: create_qvlan.py (802.1Q VLAN)
realm.py Class: The Realm Class is inherited by most python tests. Realm Class inherites from LFCliBase. The Realm Class contains the configurable components for LANforge, For example L3 / L4 cross connects, stations. http://www.candelatech.com/cookbook.php?vol=cli&book=Python_Create_Test_Scripts_With_the_Realm_Class
realm_test.py Python script meant to test functionality of realm methods
show_ports.py Python script example of how to check a LANforge json url
station_profile.py Class: StationProfile (new_station_profile) Use example: most scripts create and use station profiles
test_base.py Class: TestBase, basic class for creating tests, uses basic functions for cleanup, starting/stopping, and passing of tests
test_group_profile.py Class: TestGroupProfile (new_test_group_profile) Use example: test_fileio.py will create stations or macvlans with matching fileio endpoints to generate and verify fileio related traffic
test_utility.py Standard Script for Webconsole Test Utility
vap_profile.py Class: VAPProfile (new_vap_profile) profile for creating Virtual AP's Use example: create_vap.py
vr_profile2.py Class: VRProfile (new_vap_profile, ver=2) No current use example, inherits utility functions from BaseProfile
wifi_monitor_profile.py Class: WifiMonitor (new_wifi_monitor_profile) Use example: tip_station_powersave.py This script uses filters from realm's PacketFilter class to filter pcap output for specific packets.
wlan_theoretical_sta.py Class: abg11_calculator Standard Script for WLAN Capaity Calculator Use example: wlan_capacitycalculator.py
ws-sta-monitor.py Example of how to filter messages from the :8081 websocket
ws_generic_monitor.py Class: WS_Listener web socket listener Use example: ws_generic_monitor_test.py, ws_generic_monitor to monitor events triggered by scripts, This script when running, will monitor the events triggered by test_ipv4_connection.py

Python Scripts py-scripts

Test scripts and helper scripts

Name Purpose
cicd_TipIntegration.py Facebook TIP infrastructure
cicd_testrail.py TestRail API binding for Python 3
cicd_testrailAndInfraSetup.py Facebook TIP infrastructure
connection_test.py Standard Script for Connection Testing - Creates HTML and pdf report as a result (Used for web-console)
create_bond.py This script can be used to create a bond
create_bridge.py Script for creating a variable number of bridges
create_chamberview.py Script for creating a chamberview scenario
create_l3.py This script will create a variable number of layer3 stations each with their own set of cross-connects and endpoints
create_l4.py This script will create a variable number of layer4 stations each with their own set of cross-connects and endpoints
create_macvlan.py Script for creating a variable number of macvlans
create_qvlan.py Script for creating a variable number of qvlans
create_station.py Script for creating a variable number of stations
create_station_from_df.py Script for creating a variable number of stations from a file
create_vap.py Script for creating a variable number of VAPs
create_vr.py Script for creating a variable number of bridges
csv_convert.py Python script to read in a LANforge Dataplane CSV file and output a csv file that works with a customer's RvRvO visualization tool.
csv_processor.py Python script to assist processing csv files
csv_to_influx.py Python script to copy the data from a CSV file from the KPI file generated from a Wifi Capacity test to an Influx database
download_test.py download_test.py will do lf_report::add_kpi(tags, 'throughput-download-bps', $my_value);
event_breaker.py This file is intended to expose concurrency problems in the /events/ URL handler by querying events rapidly. Please use concurrently with event_flood.py.
event_flood.py This file is intended to expose concurrency problems in the /events/ URL handler by inserting events rapidly. Please concurrently use with event_breaker.py.
example_security_connection.py This python script creates a variable number of stations using user-input security
ftp_html.py This FTP Test is used to "Verify that N clients connected on Specified band and can simultaneously download some amount of file from FTP server and measures the time taken by client to Download/Upload the file
grafana_profile.py Class for creating and managing a grafana dashboard
html_template.py This script is used for DFS Test Report generation
influx.py Class for communicating with influx
influx2.py Class for communicating with influx
layer3_test.py Python script to test and monitor layer 3 connections
layer4_test.py Python script to test and monitor layer 4 connections
lf_ap_auto_test.py This script is used to automate running AP-Auto tests
lf_dataplane_test.py This script is used to automate running Dataplane tests
lf_dfs_test.py Test testing dynamic frequency selection (dfs) between an AP connected to a controller and Lanforge
lf_dut_sta_vap_test.py Load an existing scenario, start some layer 3 traffic, and test the Linux based DUT that has SSH server
lf_ftp_test.py Python script will create stations and endpoints to generate and verify layer-4 traffic over an ftp connection
lf_graph.py Classes for creating images from graphs using data sets
lf_mesh_test.py This script is used to automate running Mesh tests
lf_report.py This program is a helper class for reporting results for a lanforge python script
lf_report_test.py Python script to test reporting
lf_rvr_test.py This script is used to automate running Rate-vs-Range tests
lf_snp_test.py Test scaling and performance (snp) run various configurations and measures data rates
lf_tr398_test.py This script is used to automate running TR398 tests
lf_wifi_capacity_test.py This is a test file which will run a wifi capacity test
recordinflux.py recordinflux will record data from existing lanforge endpoints to record to an already existing influx database
run_cv_scenario.py Set the LANforge to a BLANK database then it will load the specified database and start a graphical report
rvr_scenario.py This script will set the LANforge to a BLANK database then it will load the specified database and start a graphical report
scenario.py Python script to load a database file and control test groups
sta_connect.py Create a station, run TCP and UDP traffic then verify traffic was received. Stations are cleaned up afterwards
sta_connect2.py Create a station, run TCP and UDP traffic then verify traffic was received. Stations are cleaned up afterwards
sta_connect_example.py Example of how to instantiate StaConnect and run the test
sta_connect_multi_example.py Example of how to instantiate StaConnect and run the test
station_layer3.py this script creates one station with given arguments
stations_connected.py Contains examples of using realm to query stations and get specific information from them
test_1k_clients_jedtest.py Python script to test 1k client connections
test_client_admission.py This script will create one station at a time and generate downstream traffic
test_fileio.py Test FileIO traffic
test_generic.py Test generic traffic using generic cross-connect and endpoint type
test_ipv4_connection.py Test connections to a VAP of varying security types (WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA3, Open)
test_ipv4_l4.py Test layer 4 traffic using layer 4 cross-connect and endpoint type
test_ipv4_l4_ftp_upload.py Test ftp upload traffic
test_ipv4_l4_ftp_urls_per_ten.py Test the number of urls per ten minutes in ftp traffic
test_ipv4_l4_ftp_wifi.py Test ftp upload traffic wifi-wifi
test_ipv4_l4_urls_per_ten.py Test urls per ten minutes in layer 4 traffic
test_ipv4_l4_wifi.py Test layer 4 upload traffic wifi-wifi
test_ipv4_ttls.py Test connection to ttls system
test_ipv4_variable_time.py Test connection and traffic on VAPs of varying security types (WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA3, Open)
test_ipv6_connection.py Test IPV6 connection to VAPs of varying security types (WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA3, Open)
test_ipv6_variable_time.py Test IPV6 connection and traffic on VAPs of varying security types (WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA3, Open)
test_l3_WAN_LAN.py Test traffic over a bridged NAT connection
test_l3_longevity.py Create variable stations on multiple radios, configurable rates, PDU, ToS, TCP and/or UDP traffic, upload and download, attenuation
test_l3_powersave_traffic.py Python script to test for layer 3 powersave traffic
test_l3_scenario_throughput.py Load an existing scenario and run the simultaneous throughput over time and generate report and P=plot the G=graph
test_l3_unicast_traffic_gen.py Generate unicast traffic over a list of stations
test_status_msg.py Test the status message passing functions of /status-msg
test_wanlink.py Python script to test wanlink creation
test_wpa_passphrases.py Python script to test challenging wpa psk passphrases
testgroup.py Python script to test creation and control of test groups
testgroup2.py Python script to test creation and control of test groups
tip_station_powersave.py Generate and test for powersave packets within traffic run over multiple stations
update_dependencies.py Python script to update dependencies for various Candelatech python scripts
update_dut.py This script updates a Device Under Test (DUT) entry in the LANforge test scenario
wlan_capacity_calculator.py Standard Script for WLAN Capacity Calculator
ws_generic_monitor_test.py This example is to demonstrate ws_generic_monitor to monitor events triggered by scripts, This script when running, will monitor the events triggered by test_ipv4_connection.py

Perl and Shell Scripts

Name Purpose
associate_loop.sh Use this script to associate stations between SSIDs A and B
attenuator_series_example.csv Example of CSV input for a series of attenuator settings
attenuator_series.pl Reads a CSV of attenuator settings and replays them to CT70X programmble attenuator
ftp-upload.pl Use this script to collect and upload station data to FTP site
imix.pl packet loss survey tool
lf_associate_ap.pl LANforge server script for associating virtual stations to an chosen SSID
lf_attenmod.pl This program is used to modify the LANforge attenuator through the LANforge
lf_auto_wifi_cap.pl This program is used to automatically run LANforge-GUI WiFi Capacity tests
lf_cmc_macvlan.pl Stress test sets up traffic types of udp , tcp , continuously starts and stops the connections
lf_create_bcast.pl creates a L3 broadcast connection
lf_cycle_wanlinks.pl example of how to call lf_icemod.pl from a script
lf_endp_script.pl create a hunt script on a L3 connection endpoint
lf_firemod.pl queries and modifies L3 connections
lf_generic_ping.pl Generate a batch of Generic lfping endpoints
lf_gui_cmd.pl Initiate a stress test
lf_icemod.pl queries and modified WANLink connections
lf_ice.pl adds and configures wanlinks
lf_l4_auth.pl example of scripting L4 http script with basic auth
lf_l4_reset.sh reset any layer 4 connection that reaches 0 Mbps over last minute
lf_log_parse.pl Convert the timestamp in LANforge logs (it is in unix-time, miliseconds) to readable date
lf_loop_traffic.sh Repeatedly start and stop a L3 connection
lf_macvlan_l4.pl Set up connection types: lf_udp, lf_tcp across 1 real port and many macvlan ports on 2 machines. Then continously starts and stops the connections.
lf_mcast.bash Create a multicast L3 connection endpoint
lf_monitor.pl Monitor L4 connections
lf_nfs_io.pl Creates and runs NFS connections
lf_parse_tshark_log.pl Basic parsing of tshark logs
lf_portmod.pl Queries and changes LANforge physical and virtual ports
lf_port_walk.pl Creates a series of connections, useful for basic firewall testing
lf_show_events.pl Displays and clears LANforge event log
lf_staggered_dl.sh his script starts a series of Layer-3 connections across a series of stations each station will wait $nap seconds, download $quantity KB and then remove its old CX.
lf_sta_name.pl Use this script to alter a virtual station names
lf_verify.pl Creates a basic L3 connection to verify that two ethernet ports are physically connected
lf_voip.pl Creates series of VOIP connections between two LANforge machines
lf_voip_test.pl Creates series of VOIP connections and runs them
lf_vue_mod.sh Bash script that wraps common operations for Virtual User Endpoint operations done by lf_associate_ap
lf_wifi_rest_example.pl Example script that queries a LF GUI for JSON data and displays a slice of it
lf_zlt_binary.pl Configures a Zero Loss Throughput test
list_phy_sta.sh Lists virtual stations backed by specified physical radio
min_max_ave_station.pl This script looks for min-max-average bps for rx-rate in a station csv data file
multi_routers.pl Routing cleanup script that can be used with virtual routers
print_udev.sh Prints out Linux Udev rules describing how to name ports by MAC address
sensorz.pl Displays temperature readings for CPU and ATH10K radios
show-port-from-json.pl Example script showing how to display a slice from a JSON GUI response
station-toggle.sh Use this script to toggle a set of stations on or off
sysmon.sh grabs netdev stats and timestamp every second or so, saves to logfile.
test_refcnt.pl creates MAC-VLANs and curl requests for each
topmon.sh LANforge system monitor that can be used from cron
wait_on_ports.pl waits on ports to have IP addresses, can up/down port to stimulate new DHCP lease
wifi-roaming-times.pl parses wpa_supplicant_log.wiphyX file to determine roaming times

LANForge Monitoring

From LANforge cli on port 4001 do a 'show_event' to see events from LANforge


Scripts will be kept backwards and forwards compatible with LANforge releases as much as possible.


These scripts call each other and rely on the structure of this directory. To use these scripts in other locations, such as your laptop, either copy the entire scripts directory or do a git clone of this repository. Just copying one script to a separate directory is going to break its requirements.


The perl scripts require the following perl packages to be installed. Most of these perl packages are available through your repository as .deb or .rpm packages.

Perl Package RPM Required
Net::Telnet perl-Net-Telnet Yes
JSON perl-JSON Yes, for JSON parsing
JSON::PrettyPrint perl-JSON-PP No, useful for debugging
Python3 Package RPM Required
Pexpect python3-pexpect yes
XlsxWriter python3-xlsxwriter yes, Xlsx output

Pip v Pip3

Please use pip3, we are targeting Python 3 with our scripts. If your pip/pip3 repositories have a difficult time connecting, it's likely that you are trying to download from pypi.python.org. This is a deprecated location. Please update using the pypi.org servers. Consider updating your ~/.pypirc file:

index-servers =  

repository: https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/

As described on Python.org.


Code in this repository is released under the BSD license (see license.txt).


Please contact support@candelatech.com if you have any questions.

Thanks, Ben