aem-node role

License Build Status Build Status Galaxy Ansible Ansible

Role for Adobe Experience Manager installation and configuration. This role installs AEM (Authoring and Publishing roles) instance on RHEL/Ubuntu-based systems.

This role:

  • installs AEM (6.3 6.4 6.5 versions for choosing, 6.4 by default ) and configures it as a systemd Linux service
  • can change default admin password
  • can install any predefined AEM packages (such as hotfixes\service packs)
  • configures replication agent on author for publishing if it is not a standalone environment
  • supports multiple publishing instances for one authoring
  • can create aem groups with predefined permissions
  • can create aem user accounts


Role Variables : default

  • aem_version - Version of AEM node wich to install (6.3, 6.4, 6.5)
    default: 6.4
  • aem_packages - List of additional AEM Packages to install
    default: []
  • dispatcher_ssl - configure flush agent on ssl dispatcher port
    default: False
  • dispatcher_https_port - Https port for listening
    default: 443
  • dispatcher_http_port - Http port for listening
    default: 80
  • download_transport - web or s3
    default: web
  • full_aem_web_transport_link - link for aem installation file
    default: {{ web_transport_common_url }}/{{ aem_version }}/aem.jar
  • full_license_web_transport_link - link for aem license file
    default: {{ web_transport_common_url }}/licenses/{{ aem_version }}/
  • transport_s3_bucket - s3 bucket
    default: aemartifacts
  • aem_transport_s3_path - aem installation file s3 path
    default: /{{ aem_version }}/aem.jar
  • license_transport_s3_path - aem license file s3 path
    default: /licenses/{{ aem_version }}/
  • transport_s3_aws_access_key - access key
    default: {{ lookup('env','AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') }}
  • transport_s3_aws_secret_key - secret key
    default: {{ lookup('env','AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') }}
  • web_transport_common_url - Server link to download installation packages
  • aem_instance_type - AEM type (author or publish)
    default: author
  • aem_custom_modes - Comma separated custom run modes wich allow you to tune your AEM instance for a specific purpose; for example author or publish, test, development, intranet or others
    default: ``
  • aem_root - Default AEM root path
    default: /opt/aem
  • aem_instance_port - Default AEM port
    default: 4502
  • publishers - List of publishers for replication agents configuration
    default: []
  • publisher_ssl - Enable ssl for replication agents
    default: False
  • dispatchers - List of dispatchers for flush agents configuration
    default: []
  • dispatcher_ssl - Enable ssl for flush agents
    default: False
  • dispatcher_https_port - ssl port for flush agents
    default: 443
  • dispatcher_http_port - http port for flush agents
    default: 80
  • aem_ssl_enable - Enable and configure ssl on aem node
    default: False
  • aem_instance_ssl_port - Set AEM node ssl port
    default: 8443
  • aem_ssl_dir: - crt and key dir for AEM ssl configuration
    default: '{{aem_root}}/ssl'
  • aem_ssl_hostname - hostname for AEM ssl configuration
    default: localhost
  • ssl_key_full_path - full path to the ssl file
    default: '{{ aem_ssl_dir }}/{{ aem_ssl_hostname }}.key'
  • ssl_crt_full_path- full path to the ssl file
    default: '{{ aem_ssl_dir }}/{{ aem_ssl_hostname }}.crt'
  • ssl_der_full_path - full path to the ssl file
    default: '{{ aem_ssl_dir }}/{{ aem_ssl_hostname }}.der'
  • aem_admin_login - Default AEM admin user login
    default: admin
  • aem_admin_password - Default AEM admin user password
    default: admin
  • environment_type - AEM environment type (dev test uat etc.)
    default: dev_test
  • aem_user - Linux username which operates AEM
    default: aem
  • aem_group - Linux usergroup which operates AEM
    default: aem
  • aem_user_id - Linux user's uid
    default: 99999
  • aem_group_id - Linux usergoup's gid
    default: 19999
  • aem_change_default_admin_password - Change or not default admin password
    default: False
  • jolokia_agent - Insert javaagent in author node
    default: False
  • jolokia_agent_port_author - Port for jolokia agent
    default: 9998
  • jolokia_agent_port_publisher - Port for jolokia agent
    default: 9999

AEM groups which would be created during provision proccess

     # AEM Group authorizableID
     id: 'test_group'
     # AEM Group Name
     name: 'Test group'
     # AEM Group description
     description: 'All test users'
     # AEM Group permissions
       - 'path:/,read:true'
       - 'path:/etc/packages,read:true,modify:true,create:true,delete:false,replicate:true'
     # AEM Group parent group
       - 'everyone'
  • aem_groups
    default: []

AEM users which would be created during provision proccess

For CI/CD role Don't forget to create user for Jenkins and add it into 'Administrators' build-in AEM group

     # AEM user path in crx
     category: 'test'
     # User ID
     id: 'test_user'
     # AEM Group description
     first_name: 'Test'
     # AEM Group permissions
     second_name: 'User'
     # AEM User password
     password: 'test_user_password'
     # AEM user primary group
     'group' : 'everyone'
  • aem_users
    default: []

AEM systemd configuration: Java garbage collectors "UseG1GC", UseParallelGC , UseSerialGC

  • aem_garbage_collector
    default: UseG1GC
  • aem_perm_size
    default: 512m
  • Xmx_size - specifies the maximum memory allocation pool for a Java virtual machine (JVM)
    default: '{{ (ansible_memtotal_mb * 0.7) |int|abs }}'
  • Xms_size - specifies the initial memory allocation pool.
    default: '{{ (ansible_memtotal_mb * 0.7) |int|abs }}'

Your JVM will be started with Xms amount of memory and will be able to use a maximum of Xmx amount of memory. For example, starting a JVM like below will start it with 256 MB of memory and will allow the process to use up to 2048 MB of memory with: Xms_size: 256 Xmx_size: 2048

  • replication_enabled - Enable replication configuration for author-> publisher dispatcher
    default: False

Example installation file repository structure

Structure for AEM 6.4 and 6.3 :


Example Inventory



Example Playbook

Don't forget to preinstall LDI AEM modules.


- name: java_install
  hosts: all
    - role:
      transport: repositories
      java_major_version: 8

- name: publisher_install
  hosts: aem_publishers
    - role: ansible-role-aem-node
      replication_enabled: true
      aem_instance_type: publish
      dispatchers: "{{ groups['publisher_dispatchers'] }}"
        id: 'test_group'
        name: 'Test'
        description: 'All test users'
          - 'path:/,read:true'
          - 'path:/etc/packages,read:true,modify:true,create:true,delete:false,replicate:true'
          - 'everyone'
        category: 'test'
        id: 'test_user'
        first_name: 'Test'
        second_name: 'User'
        password: 'Test_user_password1'
        group: 'test_group'

- name: author_install
  hosts: aem_authors

    - role: ansible-role-aem-node
      replication_enabled: true
      aem_instance_type: author
      publishers: "{{ groups['aem_publishers'] }}"
        id: 'test_group'
        name: 'Test'
        description: 'All test users'
          - 'path:/,read:true'
          - 'path:/etc/packages,read:true,modify:true,create:true,delete:false,replicate:true'
          - 'everyone'
        category: 'test'
        id: 'test_user'
        first_name: 'Test'
        second_name: 'User'
        password: 'Test_user_password1'
        group: 'test_group'



Author Information
