Hybris deploy artifacts

Role for deployment of Hybris artifacts to configured Hybris instance using hybris preinstall utility (h-up). H-up utility could be installed by lean_delivery.hybris_bootstrap_node role.

Role tasks

  • Deploy artifacts to server using h-up
  • Initialize or update DB using h-up
  • Start Hybris server

Keep in mind

We have used ENV Hack in playbook:

environment: LC_ALL: "en_US.UTF-8" # only for Docker


  • Minimal Version of the ansible for installation: 2.5
  • Java 8 Build Status
  • hybris_bootstrap_node Build Status
  • Supported OS:
  • CentOS
    • 7

Role Variables

  • htools.hybris_tools_path - path to htools dir default: "/opt/hybris-tools"

  • hda_hup_extra_opts - option to include initialize or other option from h-up default: ""

  • hda_hybris_http_host - hybris host default: "localhost"

  • hda_hybris_https_port - hybris https port default: "9002"

  • hda_hybris_check_url - hybris admin login page default: "login.jsp"

  • hda_hybris_service_name - hybris service name default: "hybrisd"

  • hda_artifacts_deploy_version - hybris artifacts version default: "dev/1"

  • hda_hybris_start - to start hybris after artifacts deploy default: "False"

  • hda_hybris_artifacts_timeout - timout for artifacts deploy in minutes default: "60"

  • hda_hybris_artifacts_delay - delay for artifacts deploy in seconds default: "30"

  • hda_hybris_service_timeout - timeout for checking the availability of hybris service in minutes default: "30"

  • hda_hybris_service_delay - delay for checking the availability of hybris service in seconds default: "5"

  • hda_debug_mode - enable writing deploy log to controller {date}-{instance}.log default: "False"

  • hda_debug_directory - save debug file to this directory default: "/tmp"

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- name: "Converge"
  hosts: all
    htools.artifact_storage: "http://server/hybrisArtifacts"
    artifacts_deploy_version: "latestArtifacts/hybrisServer"
    hda_hup_extra_opts: "--initialize"
    - role: lean_delivery.java
    - role: lean_delivery.hybris_bootstrap_node
    - role: lean_delivery.hybris_deploy_artifacts



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