
Ansible Role - Oracle HTTP server

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


License Build Status Build Status Galaxy Ansible Ansible


This role installs Oracle HTTP server 11.x on linux platforms.


Only Centos 6.x

On Centos 7.x getting exception: "Problem: This Oracle software is not certified on the current operating system. Recommendation: Make sure you are installing the software on the correct platform. Warning: Check:CertifiedVersions failed."

Minimal Ansible version: 2.5


To install OHS server into AWS instance there must be root volume size at least 10GB. Or you may mount additional partition into {{ base_root }}

Role Variables

  • ohs_install_archive OHS installation archive path
    default http://example.com/ofm_webtier_linux_11.

  • base_root Base directory path for OHS installation
    default: '/opt'

  • instance_name OHS instance name
    default: 'instance1'

  • ohs_component_name OHS component name
    default: 'ohs1'

  • ohs_user Run ohs on behalf of user
    default: 'oracle'

  • ohs_service Service name
    default: 'ohs'

  • middleware_home Oracle middleware home
    default: '{{ base_root }}/oracle/mw'

  • ohs_oracle_home Oracle OHS home dir
    default: '{{ middleware_home }}/Oracle_WT1'

  • instance_home Oracle OHS instance home
    default '{{ ohs_oracle_home }}/instances/{{ instance_name }}'

  • ohs_hostname OHS hostname
    default: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}'

  • ohs_port OHS port number
    default: 7777

  • swapfile_path swapfile
    default: '/swapfile'

  • swapfile_bs_size_mb dd block size to be copied for one time
    default: '1'

  • swapfile_count set default count= value for dd for copies only this number of blocks
    default: {{ 16384 if ansible_memtotal_mb > 10240 else (ansible_memtotal_mb * 1.5) | round|int if ansible_memtotal_mb > 2048 else 8192 }}

  • install_group Oracle Universal Installer group
    default: 'oinstall'

  • inventory_directory Oracke inventory directory
    default: '{{ base_root }}/oraInventory'

  • ora_inst Oracle inventory and installation group location file
    default: '/etc/oraInst.loc'


No problems in role with active SELinux were encountered. In a case of any issues you should disable SELinux Temporarily or Permanently. You can use some steps as example based on elk5-nginx or zabbix-server implementations.

Administration Console and Enterprise Manager

Validate Administration Console and Enterprise Manager through both Oracle HTTP Server instances using the following URL:


Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- name: "Install OHS"
  hosts: ohs
    - role: lean_delivery.ohs


To avoid error "Failed to set permissions on the temporary files Ansible needs to create when becoming an unprivileged user. Operation not permitted. For information on working around this, see https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/become.html#becoming-an-unprivileged-user add parameter:

ansible_ssh_pipelining: True



Author Information
