Terminal command to manage and control your projects.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Manage and Create Projects (MCP)

Tested on both Windows and Linux.

  • using cmder on Windows.
  • using Ubuntu Linux.


  • Create a repo on github and connect to new foler on local machine.
  • Clone a repo from github to local machine.
  • Delete repo from github. (local version will still be intact)
  • Toggle repo visibility. (private/public)
  • Get a list of all your repo's.
  • Change repo description.
  • Setup virtual environment on any folder.
  • Create, see and delete 'folder based' environment variables.
  • Automatic environment activation and deactivation.
  • activate command instead of the use of eks: source /.env/bin/activate (can be executed within lower folders)
  • Automatic ls after performed cd command. (default: is ignored if dir contains more than 20 items)

Automatic setup (Linux)

  • Locate: mcp-setup.bash
  • Run: mcp-setup.bash
    • You may have to run: chmod +x mcp-setup.bash (make it executable)
  • Go through the setup process.
  • Done!
    • If you had a problem, please create an issue.

Manual setup (Linux, Windows)

  • Add to .profile(linux) or environment(windows)
    • Add path to mcp to PATH: export PATH=$PATH:'path to mcp'
    • Add environment variable: GITHUB_USERNAME='github username'
    • Add environment variable: GITHUB_AUTH='github token'
      • A token can be made here.
      • make sure that you use the scopes: repo, delete_repo
  • Optional: add source mcp-auto.bash to the config file that runs on terminal startup. (will allow for 'extra commands')
  • Python3 and pip3 needs to be installed
    • Type pip3 install requests in a terminal.
    • Type sudo apt install python3-venv in a terminal.
  • Type: mcp help in a terminal for usage information.

Extra commands (only works if you have setup mcp-auto.bash)

  • activate mcp will try to activate the closest environment.
  • cd.. <nr> go back <nr> times, instead of cd ../../..
  • autols will toggle the ls command to automaticlly run after every cd command.
    • is disabled by default.
    • if directory contains more than 20 items, ls will not run.
      • 20 is the default value
      • edit default value with autols item_count (item_count needs to be a number)


  • If you are in a virtual environment that that dosen't have requests installed, then some commands may not work.
    • If thats the case, do the following:
      • Type deactivate (will deactivate the environment).
      • Type your commands.
      • Type activate (will activate the environment again).
  • Some commands require that you have the environment activated.
    • The error msg will notify you if thats the case.