
Airbnb Snooze during business hours

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Airbnb Snooze

On Amazon AWS Ubuntu image:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libgtk2.0-0 libgconf-2-4 libnotify4 libasound2 libxtst6 libxss1 libnss3 xvfb

Get an account at postmark and register with an email (this is to notify you if a snooze or relisting fails)

Create a config.json

	"email": "your-airbnb-email@domain.com",
	"password": "your-airbnb-password",
	"postmark_email": "your-postmark-email",
	"postmark_api": "your-postmark-api-key"

Create a cron job

crontab -e

then write

0 16 * * * xvfb-run /home/ubuntu/airbnb-snoozer/index.js -s
0 1 * * * xvfb-run /home/ubuntu/airbnb-snoozer/index.js

check that it's running after a while with

grep cron /var/log/syslog


Try running DEBUG=* xvfb-run /home/ubuntu/airbnb-snoozer/index.js -s on the server and see if it works.

If it doesn't seem to be doing anything (ie. it's just queued and not going to the webpage) try this and see if there is anything missing.

cd node_modules/nightmare/node_modules/electron-prebuilt/dist
ldd electron | grep ‘not found'

On OSX you can use the -d parameter to show the window as it's working.