
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

DIY Stereo Camera

A quick Sunday project: build a quick and easy stereo camera. You get two mobile devices: VR glasses and a mobile stereo camera, connected to each other.

Stereo Cam and Glasses


  • a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian (I used Model 4 / 4GB plus an additional Fan)
  • two cheap USB webcams
  • an old box
  • a Powerbank
  • one of those cheap plastic VR head mount frames for your phone

Build it all together:

Stereo Cam im Browser

Install necessary Software

sudo apt-get install python python-opencv python-flask build-essential libssl-dev

Run it

Clone this repo


and run the server

flask run --host=

Now check with your browser and your phone's browser (should be on the same WLAN).

Carefully adjust the cameras. This will have great impact on how good it works!

Stereo Cam im Browser

Put the phone in the VR frame and enjoy!

Stereo Cam im Browser

Possible Improvements:

  • fullscreen mode must be adjusted for Apple phones
  • configure QoS on your network to avoid dropping frames
  • open wifi AP on your phone and connect to Raspberry Pi to it, so they have an exclusive network and all the bandwidth.
  • switch from flask and jpeg to a separate h.264 stream somehow (ffserver?)
  • ...