This package provides custom form fields for Filament (>=v2.17.28) that are commonly used in Brazilian web applications, such as CPF/CNPJ validation, phone number formatting, money with currency symbol, and CEP integration with ViaCep.
- 8
[Bug]: Problema no component Money
#27 opened by felipeArnold - 8
[Bug]: Componente Money não está atualizandocorretamente os valores no Banco - Filament V3.
#9 opened by mclgms - 5
- 3
- 7
- 1
- 0
- 0
[Bug]: minValue not work
#13 opened by mauriciomgp5 - 6
Atualização para o filament v3
#7 opened by davigs - 3
#2 opened by marlonmarques