
Statements rated by user study participants after interaction with a system

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bar chart with dropdown menu

An animated bar chart implemented with D3.js version 5.7.0. Interacting with the dropdown menu updates the chart values.

Getting started

  • Clone or download the repository.

  • Run a local web server1 so that the external data file can be loaded.

  • View the bar chart in your web browser.

1 If Python is installed on the computer, execute one of the following to run a web server locally on port 8000:

  • python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 for Python 2.x
  • python -m http.server 8000 for Python 3.x


Data refer to a fictional user study which required participants to interact with a system and rate statements about the said system using a 4-point scale.