
A Phaser 3 virtual joystick implementation with phaser3-rex-notes plugin.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Phaser3 Virtual Joystick

A Phaser 3 virtual joystick implementation with phaser3-rex-notes plugin. This project is already configured with webpack and gulp for css.
If you like this implementation please star it =)

DEMO: http://phaservirtualjoystick.leandrocurioso.com
Documentation lnk: https://rexrainbow.github.io/phaser3-rex-notes/docs/site/virtualjoystick

alt Demo


The code must be written is ES6 then Webpack will automatically transpile it to ES5 to ensure browser compatibility.


npm install

How to run in development mode

To run in development mode type in the terminal:

npm run watch

The command above will automatically start a webpack dev server at port 3000 and will restart everytime a code file is saved, automatically minifiying the css file.

Build for production

To build for production type in the terminal:

npm run build

The command above will automatically minify the script files and css file into one.

You can see the transpiled files in:
./public/css/style.min.css and ./public/js/bundle.min.js