Slides: Uber Graph Benchmark Framwork
Check out the repo
Set up a database to benchmark. There is a README file under each binding directory. List out all modules by
./gradlew projects
Run benchmark on db
# generates and writes to redis db, then reads with subgraph queries
./gradlew execute -PmainArgs="-db com.uber.ugb.db.redis.RedisDB -w -g benchdata/graphs/trips -b benchdata/workloads/workloada -r"
# generates and writes to redis db, then reads with subgraph queries
./gradlew execute -PmainArgs="-db com.uber.ugb.db.cassandra.CassandraDB -w -g benchdata/graphs/trips -b benchdata/workloads/workloada -r"
# this generate vertices and edges and write to noop, used for measuring data gen performance
./gradlew execute -PmainArgs="-db com.uber.ugb.db.NoopDB -g benchdata/graphs/trips -b benchdata/workloads/workloada -w"
# this generate vertices and edges and write as csv to System.out or a file
./gradlew execute -PmainArgs="-db com.uber.ugb.db.CsvOutputDB -g benchdata/graphs/trips -b benchdata/workloads/workloada -w"
Set environment variables in
To add a new DB implementation, consider inherit from
This stores the adjacency list in one blob.
This stores the adjacency list with the same prefix. The edge writes could be faster than KeyValueDB.
This processes gremlin queries directly.
- create jar
./gradlew jar
- build fat jar for spark
./gradlew build
Here is one example on how to run spark
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd ugsb
YARN_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf /home/spark-2.1.0/bin/spark-submit \
--class "com.uber.ugb.Benchmark" \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode client \
--driver-memory 6G \
--executor-memory 6G \
--executor-cores 2 \
--driver-cores 2 \
--num-executors 10 \
--conf spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead=2048 \
--driver-class-path '/etc/hive/conf' \
build/libs/ugb-all-0.0.15.jar \
"-db com.uber.ugb.db.cassandra.CassandraDB -w -g benchdata/graphs/trips -b benchdata/workloads/workloada -r -s"
echo $?