
Git Repo for DSC Weekend 2020 March

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

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Maintain Folder Structure:

  • For assignments there is a folder Assignment. All assignments will be present there classwise. Ex: Assignment010, Assignment020....
  • PPT folder will contain PPTs
  • Root of repo will contain the notebooks and scripts done in the class
  • Use Python Identifier naming convention for file or folder names (use alphabets and underscores. Don't use spaces etc.) ex: Assignment\gaurav_gupta\assignment1.txt

During first push

  • configure global username and password in git.
  • while pushing for first time, a popup window will open asking for github username and password.

Steps to Commit/ Add/ Push files to main repository

  1. check untracked files via git status
  2. add untracked file git add <filename> or git add * Prefer first method over the other
  3. Commit your changes git commit -m "meaningful message"
  4. Push your changes to the repo git push

Before You Commit !!

  • Before you commit always do a git pull.
  • If a folder by assignment doesn't exist, create the folder and push.
  • If folder exists add solution by your name.

Commit format and Solution Format

  • Create a folder by your name in Assignments folder where you will put your solution files.

  • If your name is already taken create with a number at end

  • Upload assignments as plain text files with all solutions for one assignment in a single file.

  • Use this format

    Let File be Assignment1.txt. Its content should look like this Q1 Solution

    Q2 Solution

  • Do not upload any PDF or Doc files.

  • For projects upload as .zip files with a readme.txt describing how to use your code.

  • Maintain common sense and write simple code :-P

And most important. If you are added as collaborator, it means you can delete things.

Don't mess with other peoples' stuff :)

Especially mine :-P