
final project exploration #2: use a Racket library that will be part of your final project

Primary LanguageRacket


Name: LeangSeu Kim

Partner: Chhayhout Chheou

Project Name: Space Shooting


defining a bunch of pictures so I can use it after.


place the character on the background.


Adding tree to the canvas



creating animation

(define (create-scene width)
  (underlay/xy background width 160 timber-man-left))

(animate create-scene)

This will product an animation that move timber-man-left from left to right

p3.png p4.png p5.png

I download all the asset from this site

The plan for this project to make the game similiar timberman

I will be working on gui part and my partner will be doing the sound. Then finally we will combine it for the game.