
C++ to JavaScript/WebAssembly compiler

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

Cheerp: A C++ compiler for the Web

Discord server Issues

This directory and its sub-directories contain the source code for LLVM, a toolkit for the construction of highly optimized compilers, optimizers, and run-time environments.

Useful links

Documentation and tutorials: https://labs.leaningtech.com/cheerp

Please report bugs on the cheerp-meta repository: https://github.com/leaningtech/cheerp-meta/issues

Join the Discord server!

Or ask questions on stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask?tags=cheerp

Cheerp compiler build instructions

We advise doing an out of tree build, but it's not necessary

This is only one of the components of Cheerp. Please see https://docs.leaningtech.com/cheerp/Linux-build-instructions for instructions on how to build the whole suite.

Build LLVM

cmake -S llvm -B build -C llvm/CheerpCmakeConf.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=clang -DCLANG_ENABLE_OPAQUE_POINTERS=OFF -G Ninja
ninja -C build
ninja -C build install

For development, consider to add the following option:


External components

Build utils

Go check the README.md of https://github.com/leaningtech/cheerp-utils

Build musl

Go check the README.md of https://github.com/leaningtech/cheerp-musl

Build libcxx and libcxxabi

cmake -S runtimes -B build_runtimes_genericjs -GNinja -C runtimes/CheerpCmakeConf.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="/opt/cheerp/share/cmake/Modules/CheerpToolchain.cmake"
ninja -C build_runtimes_genericjs

cmake -S runtimes -B build_runtimes_wasm -GNinja -C runtimes/CheerpCmakeConf.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="/opt/cheerp/share/cmake/Modules/CheerpWasmToolchain.cmake"
ninja -C build_runtimes_wasm

ninja -C build_runtimes_genericjs install
ninja -C build_runtimes_wasm install

Build libs

Go check the README.md of https://github.com/leaningtech/cheerp-libs