
Culinary Chronicles 👨‍🍳

GOAL: Create a webpage that showcases you and your partners favorite cuisines, dishes, and recipes.

Final Website

Create an index.html file that contains:

  • A list of your favorite cuisines and pictures
  • A list of your favorite dishes with pictures
  • A list of recipes with links to sites that provide the recipe
  • Wrap each of the above lists in div elements with class and id attributes.

Additionally, you will style this page to ensure that it entices users to read and utilize your webpage. Your style.css should incorporate the following design elements:

  • Create a style.css file
  • Link the file to index.html using a <link> tag.
  • Create CSS rulesets that incorporate the following CSS properties to style the elements on the page. Make sure you use element, class, and id selectors:
    • color
    • background-color
    • font
    • font-size
    • text-decoration
    • text-align
    • text-shadow
    • box-shadow
  • Additionally, style your images using the following properties:
    • width
    • border-radius
    • opacity

Done Early? Try the following stretch exercises 🚀

  • Align your images in the center of the page
  • Give your images a border
  • Give your page a background image
  • Create a navigation bar at the top of your page. Style this navigation bar using CSS.
  • Check out pseudo-elements like ::before and ::after to try to animate your links.