
Mojo: The Summoning is a card-collecting game where players battle 1 on 1 using their decks of Cards.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Mojo: The Summoning

Mojo: The Summoning is a card-collecting game where players battle 1 on 1 using their decks of Cards.

GOAL: Construct the backend database for Mojo: The Summoning by configuring Sequelize, defining models (User, Deck, Card, and Attack), defining associations, and test the models and associations in corresponding test file.

Starting Point

This is an existing codebase that your team have already been working on. You will be working in the server folder to set up the database layer. The front end is contained in the client folder and you do not need to modify anything contained within this folder.

To preview the database output, read the section Trying Out the App

Part 1: Connect to Sequelize

Once you have the project locally on your machine, you're ready to start your work!

Install Dependencies

  1. cd into the server directory
  2. Then, use npm to install the sqlite3, sequelize and jest packages.

⚠️ Warning: Make sure you cd into server first! This project has multiple folders and you do not want to install dependencies into the wrong one.

Configure Your Connection

  1. In server/src/db/config.js connect to your database using Sequelize.

Part 2: Define Models

  1. Work in the server/src/models directory to create the following models according to the corresponding class diagrams:
  • User
  • Deck
  • Card
  • Attack
  1. When defining your models, make sure to do the following so that the front end will work:
  • The model name should be the same name as your model
  • Use titlecase (i.e. uppercase) for the model name:
    let Example = db.define("Example", {
      // properties
    If using this style
    class Example extends Model {}
      // properties
    }, { sequelize: db })
    you don't need to do anything as the titlecase model name is provided for you by default.


  class User {
    +int id
    +string username

(This file has been created but is empty.)


  class Deck {
    +int id
    +string name
    +integer xp

(This file does not exist. You need to create it in the models directory.)


  class Card {
    +int id
    +string name
    +int mojo
    +int stamina
    +string imgUrl


  class Attack {
    +int id
    +string title
    +int mojoCost
    +int staminaCost

Part 3: Create Unit Tests

  1. One test file has been started for you in models/User.test.js.
  2. Continue to write unit tests which check that each of your models functions correctly with each model getting its own testing file (e.g. Card.test.js).
  3. It is recommended to import into your test files from models/index.js.
  4. Run the tests with npm run test.

Part 4: Define Associations

  1. In models/index.js, create associations according to the specifications outlined below.
  class User {
    +int id
    +string username
  class Deck {
    +int id
    +string name
    +integer xp
  class Card {
    +int id
    +string name
    +int mojo
    +int stamina
    +string imgUrl
  class Attack {
    +int id
    +string title
    +int mojoCost
    +int staminaCost
  User "1" o-- "1" Deck : owns
  Deck "1" *-- "*" Card : contains
  Card "*" o-- "*" Attack : has

You should set up the associations in models/index.js.


Each User may create exactly one Deck. For example, a User gandalf might create a Deck called The Fellowship.

  1. Associate Users and Decks with a one-to-one relationship.
  2. Add tests to check the association.


Each Deck may contain many Cards. A Card may only belong to one Deck. For example, The Fellowship might contain Cards called Lizard Wizard and Bulk Brogan. Two Decks might contain Cards with the same name, but these are considered different Cards, and would have different IDs.

  1. Associate Decks and Cards with a one-to-many association
  2. Add tests to check the association


Each Card may have many Attacks. Each Attack may belong to many Cards. For example, Lizard Wizard and Bulk Brogan might both have a Charge attack. Lizard Wizard might have a Thunderbolt and Bulk Brogan a Piledriver.

  1. Associate Cards and Attacks with a many-to-many association
  2. Add tests to check the association

Try Out the App!

If you're models are successfully defined, you should be able to run the app and view the results in the browser.

In the server folder:

  1. In a terminal, cd into server and run
npm install
npm run seed
npm run dev

This will start the development server (the back-end).

In the client folder:

  1. In a separate terminal, cd into client and run
npm install
npm run dev

This will start the client (the front-end). You should see a url (usually localhost:5173). Visit this url in your browser to see the client displaying data requested from the database.

Tip: to stop the servers running, click in the terminal and press ctrl + c