
Primary LanguageJavaScript



You are a creative content developer that needs a better system for publishing articles. You stumble across a great example called Wikipedia and decide to implement something like it, with a twist: You’ll build it as a Single Page Application, using React! ⚛️

We have already learned back end servers, so we get to start with a pre-built db connection via Sequelize, including express routes serving up the data via different REST verbs (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE).

We have 3 database models:

  • Page
  • User
  • Tag

Getting Started

After forking and cloning down your repository, run the following:

  1. npm install
  2. npm run seed
  3. npm run server-dev
  4. In a seperate terminal, npm run client-dev

Single Page View

A basic list of details for a post

Once you’ve got the app started up, it’s time to make your first edit and add support for the single page view! Here are a few requirements:

  1. When a user clicks a single article in the list, the details show the articles:
    • Title
    • Author
    • Content
    • Tags
    • Date (createdAt)
  2. You’ll have to
    • Make a fetch request to the /wiki/:slug endpoint for the specific article.
    • Set the article data on state (a new piece of state)
    • Render the article data in a component
  3. If a user clicks a “Back to Wiki List” button, the view shows original list of all the articles, no details (just title)

Adding a Page

A basic example of what the form could look like

We now have 2 different views (list view and single view). We now want to add support for creating pages!

  1. Create a button on the main page
  2. When the button is clicked, set a boolean to true on state (something like isAddingArticle or something
  3. When the boolean is true display a form (instead of the list of pages)
  4. The form should have inputs for all the required fields
    • Title
    • Content
    • Author name (should be sent as name in the body of the request)
    • Author email (should be sent as email in the body of the request)
    • Optionally, a list of tags, sent as a single string separated by spaces.
  5. When the form is submitted, the data should be sent in a POST request to POST /wiki, with the data as the body of the request. The data sent should look something like this:
const articleData = {
  title: "Amazing",
  content: "This article is amazing",
  name: "Billy Bob",
  email: "billybob@example.com",
  tags: "tag1 tag2 tag3"
  1. This is a tricky step, since we will need to send data in a fetch that is not a GET, but a POST request. Here’s an example of how to create a POST request
const response = await fetch('https://url.com/', {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  body: JSON.stringify(
    articleData // our data TO CREATE here
const data = await response.json();
  1. For future reference, check out this gist on using Fetch with different http methods, sending a body, and even using auth tokens!
  2. Finally, re-fetch all the articles, and switch the view to show the list of articles.

Delete Page

A basic example of what the form could look like

Finally, we want to to add a delete button that will remove the entry.

  1. Create a button on the single page view (the one with the details on that page)
  2. When the button is clicked, send a DELETE request to DELETE /wiki/:slug. Though we don’t need to send anything in the body of the request, we will need to call fetch a tad differently. This fetch is also not a get, but a delete request. Here’s an example of how to create a delete request
const response = await fetch('https://url.com/some-endpoint', {
  method: "DELETE"
const data = await response.json();
  1. Again, re-fetch all the articles, and switch the view to show the list of articles.
  2. That’s it! Your project is now has the minimum requirements. At this point, you can:
    • View all titles
    • Click to view details on an article/page
    • Add a page via form inputs
    • Delete a page
  3. If you’re done but want to build out your app more, read on! There are still extra credit stretch goals.