
Introducing the sleek and trendy github issue viewer

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NPM Issue Viewer App

This is a new issue viewer application created with ReactJS. The trial project for this viewer is the npm issues from github. Mock-up is available below.

Run this app

npm install

Install the app

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. Chrome browser is recommended.

npm test

Run all tests using Jest.


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.


Default list page

  • List issues per 25 page
  • Navigate between pages at increments of 25
  • Display default page issues with number, title, user name, avatar, and 140 characters of the body
  • Display labels. (If I have more time, I will create a component LabelList which will store Label components. Then, render the LabelList component inside the IssueItem.)

Issue details page

  • Click on an individual issue from default page will take you to a detail page
  • Style individual issue page with title, state, user name, avatar, and summary
  • Fetch comments and display comments if any
  • Names with @-notation in the issue should link to the user's GitHub page

Test and Styling

  • Unit tests are written with Jest. (First time working with Jest. If there is more time, I will write more tests such as checking if endpoints have the valid responses, navigation, and check if error messages have been handled correctly.)
  • Show off my styles


  • Drew and identified reusable React components in the mock-up. For example: Home, IssueList, IssueItem, Details, DetailItem, CommentList, and CommentItem

Image of Issue Viewer Default Image of Issue Viewer Details


  • components/Home: consists of components related to a list of issues and separate components with stateless and stateful.
  • components/Details: consists of components related to Details page
  • components/Common: consists of utility functions
  • api/github: consists of github issues endpoints

Packages used

  • htmlToText: converts from html to text
  • lodash: truncates to 140 characters
  • Marked: converts from github markup to html markup


  • I wrote the majority of styles with inline styles
  • Used Panel for displaying comment and Pagination from React-Bootstrap

Thank you. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at lzhang800@gmail.com

What the app looks like

Npm issues default page

Image of Issue Viewer Default

Npm detail page

Image of Issue Viewer Details