The "batteries included" extended library for the Lean programming language and theorem prover
- ADedeckerUniversité Paris-Cité
- AnderssorbySopra Steria
- anqurvanillapy@Shopee
- baajarmehdeveloping a new AI project...
- bolluUniversity of Cambridge
- bridgekat@ImperialCollegeLondon
- bryangingechen
- chabulhwiSemmalgil
- dannypsnl@second-state
- EdAyersCMU
- forked-from-1kasperMilky Way, Solar System, Earth
- gebnerMicrosoft Research
- hargoniXLean FRO
- hetzenmat
- huynhtrankhanh@coq-community
- intsucJapan
- jiangsy
- joehendrixPrincipal Research Software Engineer at Lean FRO
- jonsterlingUniversity of Cambridge
- LittleJianCH
- lorenzleutgebMax Planck Institute for Informatics
- marcusrosselTechnische Universität Dresden
- mhuisiLean FRO
- mirkootter
- mpenciakLurk Lab
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- nrolland
- ocornocOregon, USA
- ramonfmirLondon
- Rekihyt
- tkersey@thisisartium
- tomhoule@grafbase
- Trebor-HuangInternal cat of a doughnut
- typesAreSpaces
- uribalb@Kalhina
- xubaiwACEM, SJTU