- 0
No docstring is show on `·` terms
#5737 opened by eric-wieser - 2
- 3
clear does not work in `conv` mode
#5734 opened by bollu - 4
kernel hangs on ac_nf expression
#5699 opened by tobiasgrosser - 0
omega does not look through abbreviations in types
#5733 opened by nomeata - 0
- 0
Deep kernel reduction detected after `simp`
#5724 opened by tobiasgrosser - 2
Metavariable instantiation seems to slow down non-linearly in the size of the proof
#5610 opened by alexkeizer - 0
simp usually reduces `Fin n` literals, but not `n` itself
#5630 opened by nomeata - 0
- 0
`show_term` and `by?` change order of elaboration
#5713 opened by kmill - 3
Slow elaboration of `List Nat` literals
#5683 opened by kmill - 2
- 0
- 0
Universe level normalization has associativity of `max` backwards from parsing associativity
#5695 opened by kmill - 6
RFC: decide! tactic variant
#5629 opened by nomeata - 2
Recursive theorems with `cases` vs `match`
#5690 opened by hargoniX - 1
- 12
Structure eta doesn't work for nested inductives
#5661 opened by nomeata - 0
`bv_decide` throws an `unknown free variable` error if there is an hypothesis `b.toNat > 0` in the context
#5674 opened by alexkeizer - 0
Instance creates defs regardless of whether the typeclass is Prop- or Type-valued
#5672 opened by jjdishere - 5
"failed to generate equational theorem" when matching on not only recursive call
#5667 opened by nomeata - 3
bug: `bv_decide` regression; proof that worked before now times out, and LRAT file sizes are much larger
#5664 opened by alexkeizer - 0
`<|>` notation is not pretty-printed
#5668 opened by TwoFX - 1
`rintro` error message is in the wrong place
#5659 opened by TwoFX - 0
Meta.check does not check projections
#5660 opened by nomeata - 0
Exception.isMaxHeartbeat no longer works
#5565 opened by eric-wieser - 0
Lake fetches caches for unbuilt dependencies
#5633 opened by tydeu - 0
Duplicated error when using placeholders in `simpa`
#5634 opened by TwoFX - 0
- 0
"(kernel) unknown constant" when specializing a mutually recursive function
#5651 opened by JovanGerb - 0
macOS clang fails to link against dylib generated by Lean
#5649 opened by Kha - 2
Cannot derive functional induction principle
#5602 opened by BrunoDutertre - 0
by? generates sorryAX instead of reporting proof
#5625 opened by mars0i - 1
Elaboration failure with let mut whose RHS is a do notation
#5607 opened by bollu - 0
- 0
Instantiate metavars takes enormously long in VSCode, but is snappy in the terminal
#5614 opened by bollu - 2
- 0
exact? and apply? throw "maximum recursion depth has been reached" when large Nat constants are involved
#5613 opened by bollu - 3
Rewrite applies the wrong equational rule
#5611 opened by BrunoDutertre - 0
`simp` fails to see through `abbrev`
#5606 opened by JLimperg - 0
- 0
- 0
`simp!` docstring does not talk about simp!
#5597 opened by nomeata - 0
- 0
"omit" doesn't omit typeclass assumptions
#5595 opened by loefflerd - 1
`simp at *` fails to close goal where `simp at h` does
#5593 opened by TwoFX - 0
- 1
bv_decide does not normalize bitvector widths
#5575 opened by bollu - 4
Header lean.h not conforming C++
#5570 opened by tkoeppe