
error message of `register_label_attr`

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register_label_attr has the following behavior.

import Lean.LabelAttribute

register_label_attr rom

/-- error: unknown attribute [rom] -/
#guard_msgs in @[rom]
def womp : 2 + 2 = 4 := by rfl

Expected behavior: The possible solution is displayed in the error message. An error message appears saying, “Since it is not possible to register and use labels in the same file, please consider separating the files." (this message is a example)

Actual behavior: It simply displays “unknown attribute” and does not show possible solutions.


  • Lean v4.7.0

Additional Information

see https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113488-general/topic/Lean.20register_labell_attr.20not.20working


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If someone would like to make a PR improving the error message that would be great.