
wrong `rfl` error message when no goals are left

chrisflav opened this issue · 0 comments


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The new error message printed by the rfl tactic is also shown when rfl is used with no goals left.

example : 3 = 3 := by

This prints on the second rfl:

The rfl tactic failed. Possible reasons:

  • The goal is not a reflexive relation (neither = nor a relation with a @[refl] lemma).
  • The arguments of the relation are not equal.

Try using the reflexivitiy lemma for your relation explicitly, e.g. exact Eq.rfl.

but should instead print

no goals to be solved

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Copy the above snippet in https://live.lean-lang.org

Expected behavior: Print "no goals to be solved" error message

Actual behavior: Standard rfl error message is shown.


Debian Bookworm / https://live.lean-lang.org


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