
elab_as_elim does not support function application in resulting motive arguments

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I would like to mark the following lemma elab_as_elim:

theorem natAbs_elim {motive : Nat → Prop} (i : Int)
  (hpos : ∀ (n : Nat), i = n → motive n)
  (hneg : ∀ (n : Nat), i = -↑n → motive n)
  : motive (Int.natAbs i)
  := by sorry

in order for apply to succeed at e.g.:

example (x : Int) (y : Nat) : x.natAbs < y := by
  apply natAbs_elim x

However currently the elab_as_elim annotation fails with

unexpected eliminator resulting type
  motive i.natAbs


Zulip thread: https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/apply.20motive.20failure

Steps to Reproduce

Expected behavior: elab_as_elim succeeds on the natAbs_elim example

Actual behavior: elab_as_elim fails on natAbs_elim


Lean 4.8.0-rc1
NixOS unstable

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