Leap AI Avatars ⚡️

Welcome! Bookmark this repo as a starter template for a Headshots or Avatars app built on Leap AI.

It provides a UI for image upload, trains a custom model on Leap, and then generates images of your subject in various styles.

Try it out here!

Let's get started by forking this repository (button top right), and downloading it to your computer. from there follow the below :)

Run it locally

  1. Open the terminal
  2. Run npm install to grab the necessary packages
  3. Hit npm run dev to start your server on http://localhost:3000

How to generate images

  1. Upload 3-10 photos of yourself
  2. Add your API Key from Leap AI
  3. Add your model ID from Leap AI to use your existing models (Optional)


  1. Head to pages/index.tsx for editing text, prompts, and colors to match your theme
  2. Adjust prompts and subjectKeyword (ie. @me) in helpers/prompts.ts
  3. Adjust the number of images generated w/ the numberOfImages parameter in /pages/api/generate


  1. Push all your changes to Github (or another git provider)
  2. Head to vercel.app, import your repo, and hit deploy
  3. Note: you will need vercel pro plan or /pages/api/generate call will likely timeout after 10 sec. You can also deploy on Zeet to avoid this issue.

Wrapping Up 👏

This is huge! You've got an AI Avatars app running on the web, and you can share it with the world.

If you got value from this -- please give us a star ⭐

Built with Leap AI