FastAPI Example Project Deployment Guide on Leapcell


This is an example project built with FastAPI. The primary goal of this project is to teach users how to deploy a FastAPI application on the Leapcell platform. Whenever you make changes to the content in the content directory and perform a git merge into the main branch, an automatic deployment will be triggered on Leapcell.

Project Structure

├── content               # Directory to store Markdown files representing blog posts
│   ├──   # A sample blog post in Markdown format
│   └──         # Another sample blog post in Markdown format
├── images                # Directory for storing static image resources
│   └── logo.png          # Example logo image file
├──               # The main entry point file of the FastAPI application
├── requirements.txt      # Lists all the Python dependencies required for the project
└── templates             # Directory containing Jinja2 HTML templates for rendering web pages
    ├── base.html         # Base HTML template that other templates can inherit from
    ├── index.html        # HTML template for the home page
    └── single_post.html  # HTML template for displaying a single blog post


  • A GitHub (or other Git - based) repository for your project.
  • A Leapcell account. You can sign up at Leapcell's official website.
  • Basic knowledge of Git commands and Python programming.

Local Setup

  1. Clone the Repository
    git clone
    cd fastapi-blog
  2. Install Dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the Application Locally
    uvicorn main:app --reload
    Then, open your browser and visit to see the application running.

Deployment on Leapcell

  1. Connect Your Repository to Leapcell
    • Log in to your Leapcell account.
    • Navigate to the project creation page and select the option to connect your Git repository (e.g., GitHub).
    • Authorize Leapcell to access your repository and choose the main branch.
  2. Configure the Deployment
    • Build Command: In Leapcell, set the build command to pip install -r requirements.txt. This will install all the necessary Python packages.
    • Start Command: Set the start command to uvicorn main:app --host --port 8000.
    • Port: 8000
  3. Initial Deployment
    • After configuration, Leapcell will automatically start the first deployment. You can monitor the deployment progress on the Leapcell dashboard.

Try Making Changes and Merging to the Main Branch

  1. Modify a Blog Post
    • Open one of the Markdown files in the content directory, such as first -
    • Make some changes to the content, for example, add a new paragraph or correct a typo.
  2. Stage and Commit Your Changes
    git add content/first -
    git commit -m "Update the content of first -"
  3. Create a New Branch (Optional but Recommended)
    git checkout -b new - content - branch
  4. Merge Your Changes to the Main Branch
    • First, switch back to the main branch:
      git checkout main
    • Then, pull the latest changes from the remote main branch:
      git pull origin main
    • Finally, merge your changes from the new branch (if you created one):
      git merge new - content - branch
    • Push the updated main branch to the remote repository:
      git push origin main
  5. Watch the Automatic Deployment
    • Once you push the changes to the main branch, Leapcell will detect the changes and start an automatic deployment.
    • Check the Leapcell dashboard to see the deployment progress. After the deployment is successful, you can visit your application's URL on Leapcell to see the updated content.


  • If the deployment fails, check the deployment logs on Leapcell. They usually provide detailed error messages.
  • Ensure that all the dependencies in the requirements.txt file are correctly specified and compatible with each other.


By following this guide, you should be able to deploy your FastAPI application on Leapcell and experience the automatic deployment feature when you update your content. Try making more changes to your blog posts and enjoy the seamless deployment process!