Android For Developers Curriculum

Detailed Curriculum Link

##Prework: Environment Configuration and Git

  • Install and configure Android Studio
  • Install GenyMotion and VirtualBox
  • Install JDK 1.7 and configure Android studio to use it rather than 1.6
  • Install and configure Git
  • Explain unit testing

##Unit 1: Java & OOP

  • Collections, Iteration, OOP, Inheritance, Exceptions, Conditionals
  • Types, variables, operators
  • Methods, conditionals, loops
  • Objects and classes, inner classes
  • Collections (Array, ArrayList, LinkedList, HashMaps, TreeMaps)
  • Access control, class scope, packages, java API
  • Interfaces, inheritance, file i/o
  • Exception handling (Try, Catch, Finally)

##Unit 2: Intro to Android SDK

  • Android Manifest xml file
  • src / res / gen directory
  • Intro to Activities
  • MVC
  • Adapters

##Unit 3: Intro to Views and Fragments

  • Creating String Resource Files
  • XML Layout
  • Pixel Densities and multiple screen sizes
  • Fragments / Fragment Managers
  • ListFragments / ListViews
  • MVC
  • 9 patch images

##Unit 4: Flexible UI

  • Java Threads
  • AsyncTask
  • Loopers, handlers and handler threads

##Unit 5: API’s and Concurrency

  • Intro to REST API’s and the Internet
  • HTTPURLConnection
  • URI Builder
  • XmlPullParser
  • JSON Parsing
  • Memory cached arrays for JSON parsed Data
  • Open source Libraries with Gradle
  • Retrofit Networking Library

##Unit 6: Persistence

  • Saving to local JSON
  • SQLite
  • Loaders, Loader Managers, AsyncTaskLoader, ExecutorServiceLoader
  • Content Providers

##Unit 7: Advanced Intents

  • Allow apps services' to be used by other applications

##Unit 8: Google Play and Google Cloud Services

  • Distributing apps via Google Play
  • Preparing APK for Google Play

##Unit 9: Advanced Testing and Debugging

  • ADB Logs
  • Logcat
  • TraceView

##Unit 10: Final Project

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