Ensembles - Recap

Key Takeaways

The key takeaways from this section include:

  • Multiple independent estimates are consistently more accurate than any single estimate, so ensemble techniques are a powerful way for improving the quality of your models
  • Sometimes you'll use model stacking or meta-ensembles where you use a combination of different types of models for your ensemble
  • It's also common to have multiple similar models in an ensemble - e.g. a bunch of decision trees
  • Bagging (Bootstrap AGGregation) is a technique that leverages Bootstrap Resampling and Aggregation
  • Bootstrap resampling uses multiple smaller samples from the test dataset to create independent estimates, and aggregate these estimates to make predictions
  • A random forest is an ensemble method for decision trees using Bagging and the Subspace Sampling method to create variance among the trees
  • With a random forest, for each tree, we sample two-thirds of the training data and the remaining third is used to calculate the out-of-bag error
  • In addition, the Subspace Sampling method is used to further increase variability by randomly selecting the subset of features to use as predictors for training any given tree
  • GridsearchCV is an exhaustive search technique for finding optimal combinations of hyperparameters
  • Boosting leverages an ensemble of weak learners (weak models) to create a strong combined model
  • Boosting (when compared to random forests) is an iterative rather than independent process, using each iteration to strengthen the weaknesses of the previous iterations
  • Two of the most common algorithms for Boosting are Adaboost (Adaptive Boosting) and Gradient Boosted Trees
  • Adaboost creates new classifiers by continually influencing the distribution of the data sampled to train each successive tree
  • Gradient Boosting is a more advanced boosting algorithm that makes use of Gradient Descent
  • XGBoost (eXtreme Gradient Boosting) is one of the top gradient boosting algorithms currently in use
  • XGBoost is a stand-alone library that implements popular gradient boosting algorithms in the fastest, most performant way possible