Programming as Conversation 4: Array and Hash Quiz


Programming as Conversation 4: Array and Hash Quiz

?: Collection types are called scalar data types.


?: Which syntax can be used to make a new, empty Array?

( ) ( ) new_array ( ) new_array = [] (X) Both A and C

?: Which syntax can be used to add items to an Array?

( ) new_array = "New String" ( ) new_array << "New String" ( ) new_array.push("New String") (X) Both B and C

?: Which method removes (and returns) the last element from an array?

( ) .shift ( ) .unshift ( ) .last (X) None of the above

?: Which range operator excludes the last value from a sequence?

( ) .. ( ) .range (X) ... ( ) <=>

?: Which syntax can be used to create a new Hash?

( )

new_hash = {
  :name => "Mario"

( ) ( ) new_hash = {} (X) All of the above.

?: What syntax can be used to return the value of the key pearl?

drumset_colors = {
  :tama => "burgundy",
  :pearl => "blue",
  :yamaha => "black",
  :ludwig => "white"

( ) drumset_colors[1] (X) drumset_colors[:pearl] ( ) drumset_colors["pearl"] ( ) drumset_colors[pearl]

?: What syntax can be used to return the value of size for Yamaha?

drumsets = { tama: {color: "burgundy", size: 7}, :pearl => {color: "blue", size: 5}, yamaha: {color: "black", size: 5}, ludwig: {color: "white", size: 5}}

(X) drumsets[:yamaha][:size] ( ) drumsets[yamaha][size] ( ) drumsets["yamaha"]["size"] ( ) drumsets[:yamaha]

?: What will cars["toyota"] evaluate to?

cars = { toyota: ["avalon","camry"], honda: ["civic", "accord"] }

( ) ["avalon","camry"] ( ) ["avalon"] ( ) ["camry"] (X) None of the above.

?: What will the command cars[:ford] = "focus" do?

cars = { totoya: ["avalon","camry"], honda: ["civic", "accord"] }
 => {:totoya=>["avalon", "camry"], :honda=>["civic", "accord"]}`

( ) Overwrite the hash ( ) Throw an error ( ) Return nil (X) Update the hash

?: What will the command cars[:ford] = "taurus" do?

{:totoya=>["avalon", "camry"], :honda=>["civic", "accord"], :ford=>"focus"}

(X) Overwrite the value of cars[:ford] ( ) Add an additional value to cars[:ford] ( ) Update the value of cars[:ford] to "focustaurus" ( ) Remove the key-value pair.
