Truthiness Quiz


  • Strengthen your understanding of truthiness in Ruby
  • Practice using boolean and comparison operators



?: Take a look at the code below. We have defined a method, returning_true that uses a comparison operator, the < (less than) to compare the number 14 to... nothing. What value(s) for ? will make returning_true return true?

def returning_true
  14 < ?

[ ] 1 [x] 15 [ ] 14 [x] 17

?: Here we have a method, returning_false that uses both comparison and boolean operators. What value(s) for ? will make returning_false return false?

def returning_false
  7 > 4 && 100 < ?

[x] 100 [ ] 101 [ ] 102 [ ] 103

?: Take a look at the method using_truthiness below. What value(s) for ? will make using_truthiness return false?

def using_truthiness
  7 > 8 || ?

[x] false [x] 8 > 9 [x] !true [ ] !false

?: What value(s) for ? will make using_truthiness return true?

def using_truthiness
  7 > 8 || ?

[x] 7 > 6 [X] true [ ] false [ ] 8 > 9


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