
Asynchronously generate responses and judge them with a pair of large language models (openai, anthropic, google)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The purpose of this repo is to provide a supplement to large language model benchmarks that allows users to test specifically on the problems they care about. You can control the tasks tested, the prompt structure, and pick the pair of models you would like to test against each other. You can either manually inspect the generated responses and judgements or run summary statistics on the output pick_favorite.csv to see which model the judges preferred the most.


judge_pair.py allows you to asynchronously generate responses for designated LLM providers from a set of tasks. After responses are generated, it uses the same two LLM providers to judge the responses that were generated. These are judged in both order permutations. The outputs of both steps are CSVs.

inputs contains the tasks (tasks.yaml) and prompt templates for the "get answer" and "pick favorite" taks (prompt_templates/get_answer.txt and prompt_templates/pick_favorite.txt)

outputs contains the output CSVs responses.csv and pick_favorite.csv (omitted due to size). There are also some figures generated from a previous run testing Anthropic's claude-3-opus-20240229 and OpenAI's gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09

How to ...


  • Use a virtual environment if you wish: python3 -m venv venv; source venv/bin/activate
  • Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Edit the "TODO"s in judge_pair.py
    1. Modify get_secret_key() to point to your API keys. You can skip this step if you have your keys loaded as environment variables.
    2. Change the SEMAPHORE_SIZE to modify the number of concurrent requests according to your rate limits.
  • Run the python script: python judge_pair.py


  • Change the task prompt contents: modify inputs/tasks.yaml
  • Change the task prompt templates (that have general instructions): modify inputs/prompt_templates/*.txt
  • Change the API models: modify model name in generate_openai_response(), generate_anthropic_response(), generate_google_response()
  • Use only one model for judging (to save on cost): modify the innermost for loop in pick_favorites() to use a specific tuple rather than provider_functions.items()
  • Test different versions of an API from the same model provider against each other:
    • copy the generating function (e.g. copy generate_openai_response() to generate_openai_response_0125())
    • modify the newly copied function to use a different model (e.g. model = gpt-4-0125-preview)
    • modify provider_functions in judge_pair.py so that the name reflects the model (e.g. "openai-0125": generate_openai_response_0125).

Additional info and links

API pricing (updated 2024/04/21)
  • OpenAI
    • GPT4 Turbo
      • Input: $10 per million tokens
      • Output: $30 per million tokens
  • Anthropic
    • Claude 3 Opus
      • Input: $15 per million tokens
      • Output: $75 per million tokens
Links (updated 2024/04/21)

OpenAI API rate limits
Anthropic API rate limits
Google API rate limits

  • Even their paid tier (when it is released: 2024/05/02) is very restrictive at 5 requests per minute, but I would expect them to bump this up in the future.

Find us here: learngood.com.
YouTube: claude 3 vs gpt 4