
A list of open source projects that students can contribute to for student projects

MIT LicenseMIT

Student Projects

A list of open source projects that students can contribute to for student projects. Please feel free to join an existing project and collaborate. All your contributions to any project you've collaborated on will count toward your student achievements.

Do you have a project idea? Please share!

Rejection #basic #intermediate #advanced

The game where you have to lose to win! Train yourself to be a better negotiator and win at life by asking for more and learning to appreciate rejection.

Let's Hangout #basic #intermediate #advanced

Bored? Want to hang out with friends, but not sure who's available? This app will connect to your favorite social network and allow you to post a hangout invitation status message. It will also collect recent status updates from all your friends looking for similar invitations, and will watch for replies to your status message so you can see who else wants to hang out right now. Once you've selected who you want to hang out with, you can post an event update with a time and place to meet.

CheckIn #intermediate

A simple scrum helper app to keep track of what people on your teams are working on, without the scrum meeting.

In-Browser Code Editor #advanced

Basically the atom editor, running in the cloud.

  • Support ESLint
  • Realtime collaboration support (you'll need to use transactional state, merge on the server & rebase in the clients)
  • Integrate with video chat service (e.g., Zoom.us)
  • Extra credit: Integrate terminal to access unix tools & git operations -- (you could run the environment in docker containers)

OSS Jobs

Contribute to real, live, active OSS projects & earn major geek cred. Here are some high-priority projects:

Runtime rtype parser #advanced

Contribute to an open-source library to add dynamic type checking to JavaScript.

Redux DSM

Declarative State Machines for Redux: An async state boilerplate reducer.


Collision-resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling and performance -- Update the dependencies and build. Tackle issues.