
add section on "workshops"

PeerHerholz opened this issue ยท 12 comments

While going through the listed resources, I thought about a category/section that could be added: workshops. This would be complete workshops focusing open neuroscience. For example (sorry for the biased example), the materials of the workshop series @miykael and I started are freely available, e.g. the latest iteration: https://github.com/PeerHerholz/workshop_marburg. I'm pretty sure that there are much more workshops which materials are publicly available.

What do you think folks?

๐ŸŽ‰ That sounds great! So far, most of the structuring has been done by @Remi-Gau , together with @martinagvilas if I remember correctly. So let's see what they say :) Also, @Remi-Gau had plans for a hackathon project around this repo โ€“ you may have pinged at the perfect time! <3

Great idea @PeerHerholz, definitely +1 from me. In addition to our workshop in Marburg, I would also add my workshop from Cambridge. It's built on what we did in Marburg but went a bit further on other libraries, such as nilearn.

We are sort of restructuring the repo to have something a bit more organized and "logical" to navigate.

In the meantime I have several questions. @PeerHerholz @miykael

  • You had in mind completely independent section for workshops, correct?

  • Would it be for past workshops but also to announce future workshops? (We could have something similar for summer schools actually)

  • I agree that when you are mixing resources in a workshop, it makes sense to have a dedicated section for those. But to the extend that the workshop in question is related mostly to one specific resource (say a SPM workshop) you would agree it is better to list with that resource? Or would you still prefer to have all the workshops in one place? Or both?

  • We are trying to come up with templates for the info that we would like to have when a new item is added. What should a workshop item include? See a first draft below from the PR #70

-   one line description with skills to be learned
-   [URL]( insert URL )
-   programming language: [python], [matlab/octave], [C], ...
-   level: [beginner] / [intermediate] / [advanced]
-   tags: [MOOC] [tutorial] [course] [workshop] [notebook] [video] [fMRI]
-   date:
-   duration: HH:MM
-   by: John Doe and Jane Doe

Thx for following up on this @miykael and @Remi-Gau!

@miykael: the link I shared actually refers to a version of the workshop I gave last year (again in Marburg). It's based on the initial version from 2018, plus the Cambridge stuff, plus new content. However, we should include all of them, as e.g. only the 2018 version includes M/EEG processing with MNE.

You had in mind completely independent section for workshops, correct?

Yes, exactly. One independent section where the materials of entire workshops are listed. That could for example entail the workshops @miykael, @DejanDraschkow, @jona-sassenhagen and I did, but also the materials from the Montreal BrainHack school and the ReproNim training materials.

Would it be for past workshops but also to announce future workshops? (We could have something similar for summer schools actually)

I would say both, so that folks can (in the best case scenario) redo workshops and easily find upcoming ones without the necessity to monitor several communication channels and/or platforms.

I agree that when you are mixing resources in a workshop, it makes sense to have a dedicated section for those. But to the extend that the workshop in question is related mostly to one specific resource (say a SPM workshop) you would agree it is better to list with that resource? Or would you still prefer to have all the workshops in one place? Or both?

Hm, I would say both, as it covers both aspects: entire workshop and software specific. Here, e.g. the FreeSurfer and SPM could be listed.

We are trying to come up with templates for the info that we would like to have when a new item is added. What should a workshop item include? See a first draft below from the PR #70

That's a great idea and related to something @miykael and I wanted to do some years back. Basically a simple website (e.g. dash application using heroku) where resources will be listed and new ones entered based on tags which could then be used by folks to find specific materials, e.g. python, neuroimaging and maschine learning. This list of items you shared is already pretty solid. For workshops, but also in general, I would add license, docker/singularity, binder and videos.

Thanks again!

OK I think we are on the same wavelength on this. ๐Ÿ˜„

The way things are going right is that we are structuring the whole thing so that it follows more the "typical" steps that one would have to follow when running a study. Designing study --> Acquiring / Reusing data --> Preprocessing --> Analysis --> Report results --> Share results

And we are creating a VERY large Appendix to list courses, blogs, video series that won't quite fit into this "narrative" approach.

I think it would make sense to add the workshop and summer school sections in this "appendix", no?

See issue #63 for details and pull request #79 for the implementation.

Awesome, sounds great. So basically a neuroimaging version of the rainbow of open science practices?

Putting this section in the appendix makes sense, yes. Step corresponding tags could also be linked within given workshops for example.

Anything we/I could help with?

I did not know it was called the rainbow of open science but it is definitely pretty much the same.

In terms of help: I think that we will merge the "structure" and the "template" pull requests and then we will be able to move the old content into the structure and also create the new "workshop" section and add new stuff.

hey! sounds all awesome! ๐Ÿš€
I was wondering if there is in general interest in adding the name of the instructor and year of a workshop/resource, so people can see at a glimpse โ€“ if not too much work and time requirement. For the python related examples, there is one for example by Chris Gorgolewski, 2015. I added the year and the info that it's python2. I would still do the tutorial because Chris is fantastic, but I'd be aware that it is python 2 syntax. (that's the one example why I started thinking about that, I don't know if there are comparable cases. But that you do this mahor reorganisation, I just wanted to mention that thought :)

hey @katjaq
I have just merged the "template" pull request.
So now when people want to workshop the "add a workshop" issue provides them with a code snippet that mentions, date, by who and duration.

Check it and tell me what you think.

@PeerHerholz @miykael

We have merged the necessary stuff that should lay some good foundation for you to add your workshops in the appendix page

Do you want to open a pull request and add your workshops using the workshop template

Great stuff @Remi-Gau! Sounds good to me, @miykael, what do you think?

Wow ! This is all really awesome guys! ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿš€

@Remi-Gau : the templates look fantastic! concise! With the perfect set of details asked for. And will hopefully not only make it easy for people to find what they need, but also make any future curation super easy! <3 Love it!